Chpt 12: Feelin' The Pull

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Skade P.O.V.

My eyes slowly open as dim lights blinding me. I make some goans. Feeling back in tune with my body. My veins are on fire. My cotton mouth throat. My head pounding with a migraine. It was almost like waking up from the dead. I couldn't remember much from last night.

Finally getting used to the lighting, I saw my brother next to me watching me. Always the protector of the family. I looked around the empty room. My thoughts going to Isaac. Where is he? Actually No I don't care where he is. But for some reason, I could feel other emotions not of my own doing.

"Welcome back to the land of the living shithead" Colt said as he put his hand up to my forehead.

"I'm going back to the land of the dead" I shattered out. He laughed

"Well how are you feeling other than that?"

"Wouldn't you like to know"

"You must be feeling good, back to your sarcasms at 10am."
I smiled with my fangs showing. He doesn't need to know what all I'm feeling. I slowly sat up feeling light headed, then all of a sudden I was hit with so many thoughts. Not my thoughts. But my brothers and some one else's

'she was drugged, is she not effected by it' 'good'
'but what does she remember '
'who at that bar would do it'
'or even dare to do it'

'what does he want now?'
'They wanted me to bring my mate here'
'yeah I don't think so'
'it would probably be a trap for her'
'i hope she's okay'

Thoughts going on and on. Headaches. I reached my head. My focus was a blurry. I just hear bits and pieces of what Colt was talking to me split with his thoughts and the other person's thoughts.

Colt snaps his fingers in front of my face. "Skade, focus on my voice only, I'm right here talking aloud. Push the whispers of thoughts away" Colt giving me a Stern tone for me to focus. He always had to do this with me. Being able to hear people thoughts has to be control or else it will be hard to do anything,. It's like being in a small room with a band in it nothing else super loud to your ears. So it's been rough for me to control them at times along with my other abilities.

I focus more on one thing. "Skade, focus. Are you hungry?" my brothers voice and thats when I perked up. I completely forgot I needed to feed. Now my mind completely focus on food. My eyes burned red. He gets up and goes to the dresser where a couple bottles were on top, hands them to me. I jug them down.

Feeling the energy flow back through me. I love that feeling. Life back into my body like on a raining day then the sun comes out brightest it's ever been with colour flowered and bright green plants. But then I remembered how I felt before drinking those bottles.

"I heard you thinking something bout I being drugged?" Tossing the bottles across the bedroom floor. Colt looked at me in surprised but relax 'I shouldn't be surprised you knew'

"Doc Gilly said valerian and vervain was part of a mixture of things. It made you loopy for a while apparently, then you got dizzy and didn't realize what was happening before passing out. Do you remember anything?"

I thought for a second thinking back. There was some strange smell coming from Leon but I didn't care at the time, I wanted to get wasted. Oh no

"Oh No, No, No, No"


"I marked him" saying as I'm realizing what I did. I mean my fangs been itching to mark what's mine. But I was trying not to get attached, I didn't think I could. I mean I've hunted wolves for decade, centuries. I hated them and now I'm connected to one. Why? Moon goddess why? To change me. To put love back in my life. To make me unite with wolves. This is everything I was destined to do in my life. I guess no one can run from destiny. I just want to live how I want.

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