16|| The Meyers

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August slowly waned away, as September loomed, evident by autumn's fallen leaves.  Summer's scorching temperatures gradually faded away into oblivion, giving rise to the gentle coolness of fall. The once-green leaves on the trees took on a new, rusty hue as if they were transforming themselves into gold. The season's rapidly changing landscape brought forth a sense of coziness and nostalgia. Lesley reveled in it.

As she lay in bed, the morning sun broke through the clouds, its rays streaming into her bedroom. She yawned, awakening to the wind's gentle hum outside her bedroom window. Turning over, she found Nick's side empty, the usual warmth replaced by a cold emptiness, evoking a sense of dreariness within her. Lesley peeked out of the expansive window, noticing the uptick in wind and the gloomier mornings.

The night prior, Nick had informed Lesley that he would be gone for the next two days on an important business trip. Although she would miss Nick for those few days he was gone, she also saw it as an opportunity to explore the mountains. And hopefully, Leah would come to visit her. 

Lesley's phone suddenly pinged, echoing through the room, and disrupting her thoughts. Leaning over, she grabbed her phone from off the nightstand and clutched it in her hands. 

Bringing the phone up to her ear, she answered. "Hello?" Her voice groggy and hoarse.

"Hey, Lesley!" Denises' familiar voice beamed through the phone.

"Oh, hey, Denise!" a smile grew on Lesley's face as she fully awoke.

"I wanted to let you know that I spoke with Gary last night," Denise explained, "He has heard rumors about one of the city councilmen having had an affair with an eighteen-year-old girl, but that was decades ago as far as Gary knows."

Lesley's face contorted with obscure puzzlement.

"How long ago?" Lesley's eyebrows furrowed as her curiosity piqued. "Our realtor, Jackie, told us it happened just last year," she added, her grip on the phone tightening.

"I'm not sure. Gary doesn't know either. But it wasn't recent, from what it sounds like through the rumor mill."

"What rumor mill?" Lesley's heart raced as she became psychologically entangled in the information Denise was providing.

"As I mentioned, it's a rumor circulating within the Arcaden City Council for some time." Denise paused briefly. "However, it has gained significant momentum recently." She added with a tone of uncertainty.

"I heard," Lesley replied. "And I believe it's all because of me." Her voice tinged with sorrow.

"What do you mean?" Denise's ears opened, waiting to absorb the details Lesley would provide.

"Jackie told Nick and me that many residents were upset because I went into the forest to look for clues in Leah's drowning." She sighed. "And the Meyers were furious, according to what Jackie stated."

"I heard the Meyers adopted Leah," Denise offered, giving Lesley insight into Leah's relationship with the Meyers.

"I didn't know that!" Lesley exclaimed, shock evident in her voice.

"I'm sorry, Lesley, I wish I could chat more," Denise said. Lesley felt as if she was trying to shoo her away like an annoying fly buzzing in her face, "I would like to chat more, but it's about time for Gary and me to go out for our morning walk." 

Lesley said goodbye, but before Denise hung up, she added, "Stay away from that Jackie woman. I haven't heard anything good about her. And if anything, it sounds like she's a shit-stirrer-upper."

Lesley's mouth hung agape as her expression morphed into one of bewilderment. Jackie had always been kind to them, aside from when she authoritatively dissuaded Lesley from investigating Leah's drowning and incited the town's rumor mill.

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