35|| Unexpected

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Lesley was engulfed in a torrent of emotions. Most notably, anger. Its fiery rage surged through her chest and coursed through her veins like river water escaping a dam.

Officer Todd murdered Leah.

It seemed unfathomable.

How could he?!

Unless, of course, someone had manipulated him into it. Her mind raced, conjuring unsettling images as she pondered various sinister motives:

Was Officer Todd the mastermind behind framing Gary, or had Gary enlisted Officer Todd to execute such a reprehensible act?

Lesley didn't understand. From her perspective, it made no sense. Internally, she was grappling with it all. She couldn't comprehend what could've propelled him to commit such a despicable act.

"How does Gary tie into all of this?" Lesley questioned, turning her head to meet Jackie's gaze.

Jackie shrugged. "I don't know." She said, shaking her head.

As the inner turmoil boiled within Lesley, she promptly reached for her cell. Grasping it firmly, she peered down at the screen and placed her thumb on top of it as she scrolled through her contact list to locate Officer Grant's phone number.

Jackie watched as Lesley's eyes fixated on her cell. Her thumb scrolled expeditiously across the screen as if her life depended on it. Jackie's curiosity heightened, causing her eyebrows to furrow. "Who are you calling?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"Officer Grant." Lesley replied as she placed the phone to her ear.

"Why?" Jackie inquired. "What if he's in on it too?" She asked, concerned.

Lesley's eyes widened. She pondered it for a split second and realized Jackie had a point. What if Officer Grant was in on it? He could've been an accomplice to Officer Tood. Without further thought, she quickly removed the phone from her ear and immediately pressed the red icon, ending the call.

"I didn't even think about that." Lesley's eyes wandered around the room as she thought deeply. "Who can we tell? The FBI?"

Jackie shrugged. "I don't know yet. However, I know we must be careful with this information."

"We have to tell someone, Jackie." Lesley informed. "We can't just keep this between us. Hell! Officer Todd is still out there. He's capable of committing more heinous crimes. We can't allow that to happen."

Jackie muttered. "I know. I know. " She stood there, her eyes veering up toward the ceiling as she contemplated deeply. And just then, Lesley's phone chimed, jolting her away from her thoughts.

Jackie's eyes widened, and she fixed a penetrating gaze on Lesley. "Who's calling you?" She demanded, her tone edged with urgency.

Lesley fumbled with her phone, a nervous grip tightening around it. Staring down at the illuminated screen, her heart pounded against her ribcage.

"It's Officer Grant," Lesley admitted, her voice quivering with a mix of anxiety and uncertainty.

"Shit!" Jackie muttered as she contemplated their next course of action.

Lesley's eyes locked onto Jackie's, a silent plea for guidance. "Well, should I answer it?"

"No, ignore it for now," Jackie responded. The weight of secrecy and danger hung heavily in the air. "We can't let anyone know that we know."

Lesley allowed the phone to continue ringing until it didn't ring anymore. Stress was eating away at her, and her conscience was heavy with guilt. She knew they needed to report Officer Todd to the authorities, but who would be the safest to turn to? Lesley thought it'd be best if they reported Officer Todd to the FBI or maybe even the New York Police Department. Although it was out of their jurisdiction, it felt like one of the safer options.

"I have a plan!" Jackie announced as her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Come with me back to my house."

"What?" Lesley asked, astonished. "I can't leave Nick here alone."

"It'll be quick." Jackie insisted. "I have a plan."

Lesley's eyes gazed into Jackie's. "What's the plan? Why can't you tell me now?" Lesley kept her eyes on her, curious as to what plan Jackie had in mind.

"We should meet with Officer Todd." Jackie continued. "If anything strange happens, I have a gun. I can tell Charlie to prepare the gun and get it ready for Officer Todd's arrival."

Lesley frantically shook her head. "No." She pleaded. "That doesn't sound safe. It's not a good idea, Jackie."

"What idea do you have?!" Jackie asked sternly, a hint of frustration lacing her voice.

"I don't trust Officer Todd around any of us," Lesley explained. "If he can callously and brutally murder a young nineteen-year-old woman, he's capable of anything."

Lesley knew it was a horrible idea, and why would Jackie even think to have Officer Todd over at her home where her young daughter and husband lived?

A loud knock on Lesley's front door startled them both. Their eyes widened as they gazed into each other's eyes. Lesley's mouth hung agape.

Jackie placed her hand over her chest in fear. "Are you expecting someone?"

Lesley shook her head. "No." She rose from the chair, prompting it to swivel lightly, and headed towards the front door, Jackie trailing closely behind.

As she stood in front of the door, Lesley peered through the peephole. There, shrouded in a beige coat with the hood pulled low over her head, stood Denise. The wind whistled around her, causing the coat to cling tightly, and raindrops danced down from the darkened sky.

Lesley turned to look at Jackie, fear flickering in her eyes. "It's Denise. "I wasn't expecting her. I don't know what she wants."

Jackie leaned in toward Lesley's ear. "I think it's safe to open the door but keep quiet about what we've uncovered on Officer Todd. It could jeopardize everything and put us in danger." Jackie explained in a hushed whisper.

Lesley nodded in agreement. Unlocking the door, she pulled it open.

"Denise!" Lesley exclaimed, a forced cheer in her voice. However, Lesley's cheerfulness soon dissipated as he saw tears flowing down Denise's face. Lesley quickly gestured for her to come inside.

"Please come inside."

Denise stepped into the cozy atmosphere of Lesley's inviting home.

"Are you alright?" Lesley asked, placing a gentle hand on Denise's shoulder, offering comfort.

"No, Officer Todd called me and told me to meet him here.", Denise explained. "He has some devasting news for us."

Lesley's face flushed, and she felt like it was draining from her body. Then, a troubling thought surged into Lesley's mind like a wave leaping out of the ocean

Was Officer Todd going to kill us next?

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