30|| Memories

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Nick slowly awakened from his coma, raising his head, he blinked his eyes rapidly, much like a bird attempting to flap its injured wings. Feeling weary and disoriented, he slowly emerged into consciousness.

A team of nurses provided around-the-clock care for Nick. One of the nurses, a petite woman with dark brown chin-length hair, entered into his room. She opened up the blinds allowing the sun's light to spill inside.

"Good morning!" She greeted him warmly.

"Where am I?" Nick's gaze swept across the room in curiosity.

"You're in the hospital." The nurse replied.

"Why am I in the hospital?" he asked, furrowing his brows. The nurse consoled him, explaining his current predicament. Surprised by the events, Nick continuously shook his head in disbelief. It didn't sound real- it sounded like something out of a movie.

"I have a few meds for you." She handed him a small disposable paper cup with one pink pill and one white pill inside. Then she gave him a cup of water.

"They'll make you feel much better." She promised. Nick popped the pills into his mouth and washed it down with the water.

The nurse then said goodbye and departed Nick's room, welcoming Officer Grant inside.

Nick was still in complete and utter disbelief about the events that transpired which landed him in the hospital. That is until he met with Officer Grant. After their conversation, it sunk into Nick's mind, and although unsettling, he finally came to accept it.

Officer Grant sat by Nick's side for over an hour, questioning him and trying to help him recall the events of the past few weeks. However, Nick's memory remained elusive, providing no substantial information for Officer Grant and the Aracaden Police, as his memories had not fully resurfaced yet.

However, there was one thing Nick did remember, and that was the fact he had a wife.

"Where's my wife?" He asked Officer Grant, scanning the room.

Officer Grant raised his brows. "You remember your wife, Lesley?"

Nick nodded. "Yes, her name is Lesley. Where is she?"

"Give me a second." Officer Grant stood up from his chair and strolled out into the waiting room. There sat Lesley, her face revealing the sadness she held within. Her eyes droopy and gleaming with sorrow. Officer Grant knew Nick's remembrance of her would quickly brighten her day.

"Nick is asking to see you." He smiled as he made the announcement to Lesley.

Her eyes gazed up at Grant as her face transitioned from one of sorrow to one of happiness as a wide-tooth smile crept across her face.

"Really?!" Lesley asked excitedly.

"Really!" Officer Grant confirmed. "C'mon, follow me."

Officer Grant led Lesley into Nick's room.

As she stepped inside, a single tear slid down her cheek. "Nick!" She immediately wrapped her arms around him. "I love you, Nick!"

"I've missed you, Lesley!" Nick said as he soaked in the warmth of her embrace.

Lesley was ecstatic that Nick was able to recognize her as being his wife, her heart swelled with joy. However, his inability to recollect any events weighed heavily on her, enveloping her in a blanket of sadness. Officer Grant grew a bit frustrated but recognized that Nick's memory loss was an inherent part of his recovery from the coma.

Dr. Singh provided guidance, explaining the situation further to both Nick and Lesley, helping them to comprehend. "As the week's progress." Dr. Singh began, her gaze shifted from Officer Grant onto Lesley as she explained Nick's condition. "He will gradually regain his memory. If, by the end of the month, he hasn't made a full recovery, please schedule an appointment with us for further evaluation."

Lesley nervously fidgeted with her fingers, her hands tightly clasped in front of her. "Will I be able to bring him home?" she asked anxiously.

Officer Grant turned toward her, locking eyes with her. "Yes, if that's okay with Dr. Singh. He's all yours." He reassured with a warm smile.

An immense sense of relief washed over Lesley. She wrapped her arms around Officer Grant,  embracing him in a warm hug. "Thank you so much, Grant!"

"If he were well, he'd be coming down to the station with me. However, his condition isn't suitable for me to investigate him any further." Officer Grant explained. "I hope he heals soon, Lesley." He added warmly.

Lesley smiled. "I will call you once he has a semblance of his memory."

Officer Grant reached into his coat pocket, retrieved his card, and handed it to Lesley. "Here's my card. Call me for anything, Lesley. And I do mean anything."

"Thank you!" Lesley reached for the card and slipped it into the front pocket of her purse.

"The nurses are preparing Nick for discharge." Dr. Singh notified Lesley. "Sit patiently and he'll be out in a moment." She smiled.

After receiving Nick's aftercare instructions, which were conveyed through both verbal and physical demonstrations by one of the nurses, she also provided Lesley with eight printed sheets of paper containing additional instructions. Lesley then wheeled Nick to the car, gently assisting him inside, and drove them back to their sanctuary- their home.


Lesley navigated her way down the winding, dimly lit roads back to Arcaden, an unsettling feeling gnawing at her. She longed for some respite and couldn't wait to return to the familiarity of her own home. With Nick in his current predicament, she understood there was a treacherous road ahead, but Lesley possessed a formidable inner strength that would guide her through such a tough time.

As they inched closer to home, Lesley cast a fleeting, troubled gaze at Nick, her heart heavy with sympathy. A single tear traced a path down his saddened face. Lesley's heart crumbled into ultimate despair, not knowing when Nick would get better and his memories returned.

All she knew was that she would have to console Nick and become his shield. He would have to lean on her for almost everything. And with that, she realized she would have to tread gently with Nick, slowly reintroducing him to the comforts of home and his profound addiction to late-night horror movie marathons and NBA games.

She took another peek at Nick. His expression was one of sorrow and grief.

"Nick, are you alright?" she inquired, her concern palpable.

Nick offered a feeble nod, his eyes distant. "I'm fine, just... really overwhelmed right now."

Lesley understood all too well. Nick had endured weeks of torment and was inadvertently shot by an officer. If there was a hell, Lesley knew this had to be it.

As they arrived back home, Lesley parked the car in their driveway.

Stepping outside, she felt a refreshing breeze brush past her. With a press of a button on her keyring, the trunk of the car opened slowly. She reached inside, retrieving Nick's wheelchair, and gently placed it on the pavement. Then, she made her way to the passenger side, assisting Nick into his chair.

As they approached their house, Lesley rolled Nick's chair up the pathway.  Spotting a shadow near their front porch, she froze and a loud gasp escaped her lips. 

The mysterious shadow loomed on their doorstep. Someone was waiting for them, but Lesley couldn't see who it was; the person was blocked behind the big bushes that covered the front of their house.

"Who's there?" She called out, her eyes curious.

Denise came walking out from behind the bushes, stepping down from the doorstep. She met them halfway down the path.

"Denise!" Lesley was taken aback by Denise's unexpected presence, her heart sinking as she realized that something was seriously wrong.

Denise stood there, her eyes puffy and red, tears flowing down her cheeks like a broken water faucet. An overwhelming air of grief filled the air sending an eerie sensation down Lesley's spine.

Denise's quivering lips delivered a chilling revelation. "They've arrested Gary," Denise cried out, her voice trembling with dread. "For the murder of Leah Meyers."

The news shook Lesley to her core.

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