Chapter 41

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Ok hey guys!!!!! So the picture above is the hairstyles the girls have, ignore the faces. Omg it was impossible to find a good one for Hazel!!! Comment which is your favorite and on to the story!!!

Percy's POV

I don't know why girls get so freaked out over prom, I mean it took us boys 15 minutes to get fully ready, 5 of those were figuring out how to tie a tie, because Aphrodite told us if we bothered the girls, she would make us boys go naked. We figured it out eventually...

Annabeths POV

It took tons of begging Piper but we finally got Aphrodite down here, even though we suspect she was just hiding in the closet.

"Ok girls!!" She squealed, "let's start with Annabeth first!"

She made me put on the dress right away, so that it wouldn't mess up her masterpiece by having to put it on, then blasted the AC so I didn't get sweaty.

I think Aphrodite was going old school because there were very few puffs of her signature pink Chanel scented smoke, meaning almost no magic.

She pulled the top part of my hair loosely back behind my head while letting a few curls dangle, framing my face. the rest was messily curly like usual, which was pulled over one shoulder, with a French braid along my bottom hairline, keeping it over.

She then applied a touch of sparkly teal eyeshadow, mascara, blush, and light pink lipstick. When I was done, I went back out to the other girls who squealed in delight when the saw me!

Hazels POV

"Hazel dear, you don't mind if we trim off your split ends, do you? It will make the hairstyle look wayyy better!" Aphrodite said as she tried to run her fingers through my frizzy golden brown hair.

I nodded, not really paying attention to her, I was texting to make sure everything at the prom was being set up perfectly.

A few puffs and pulls later, it was done! I slowly looked up in the mirror and gasped.

"You had a lot of spilt ends dear..."

"You think!!" I exclaimed, touching my now shoulder length glossy waves.

"This is shorter than when my hair was curled! Imagine how short this will look when it goes back to its normal friz!!!"

"Darling, give it a few days, if you don't like it, I'll give you my favorite hair growth potion, it works wonders overnight!" Aphrodite squealed.

I sighed and kept touching my hair as Aphrodite applied nude eyeshadow, mascara, bronzer, and to finish it off, bright red lipstick, then she tucked the tube of lipstick down my dress, which the girls had to talk me into getting, it was way too skimpy.

Everyone was shocked at first, but told me my hair was amazing!

Calypsos POV

When I got in there, Aphrodite got to work giving me a true Greek goddess look. She first curled my hair into tight ringlets, then pulled the top half back into a very very messy knot, with curls escaping every wear. She then added glitter and weird gem things to keep my hair in place and still looking good.

For makeup she gave me cat eye mascara, with gold outlining it, then blush and a soft pink lipstick.

"Thank you sooooo much!" I gasped to her when I looked in the mirror.

She just grunted. I don't think she likes me...

Pipers POV

I was the last one to go, and I didn't want my choppy braid cut off after I saw what was done to Hazel.

"Awww Piper! I get to help my darling daughter get ready for her prom!!!"

I just slumped down in my chair.

She got right to work thank the gods without scissors, so after i realized she wasn't going to kill my braid, I slowly fell asleep.

I awoke what felt like minutes later to someone tickling my nose.

"Oh hello Piper dear, I'm just finishing your makeup!"

One more tap on the nose.
"All done!!"

I looked into the mirror to see what had happened.

"I only trimmed a little bit to make it look good. It will still be choppy when it is back to normal."

I had a braid crowning my face, and my straight choppy hair had been turned into soft waves. I loved it. and all I had for makeup was mascara and clear lip gloss.

I squealed and pulled my mom in for a hug before running out to the girls!.

After we all finished squealing together, we graciously descended the staircase, to find the boys surrounded with empty pizza boxes, asleep.

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