Chapter 5

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Thalia's POV

"Thalia truth or dare," Leo asked grinning.

I knew how evil Leo is so I played it safe (as safe as you can with Leo) and picked truth.

"If you weren't a Hunter, who would you want to date?" Leo asked.

Oh gods, I'm dead. When I answer, Artemis will kill me, so will dad.

"Nico" I mumbled.

"Sorry, can't hear you, speak up," Leo said.

"Nico," I whispered.

"What?" Percy asked.

"NICO!" I yelled.

Nico's face turned the color of a normal persons face, which is saying a lot for him.

"Ok, Frank truth or dare?" I asked.

Franks POV

"Um, dare," I said.

"I dare you to turn into a baby pug, be put in a box, and given to the Aphrodite cabin," Thalia said.

Percy handed Thalia a box.

I took a deep breath and transformed into the dog.

"Oh my gods, he is so adorable!!!!" the girls squealed.

I was picked up, which felt really weird by the way, and put in the box.

After the lid was closed, Jason carried my box over to the cabin, shaking it a lot, which was not making my stomach happy. He set my box on the doorstep, knocked, then flew away. I had a hidden camera attached to my collar so everyone could see what happened. I felt my box being lifted up again, then the lid opened and a bunch of painted faces looked in on me. They started screaming, passing me around, poking my nose, and spinning me in a circle. I heard a girl say that I was so ugly I was cute. All that spinning was not making me feel better. When one unlucky girl picked me up, I puked all over her. I was dropped, so I bolted out the door. I didn't stop running till I got back to Percy's cabin.

That was horrifying," I said after changing back into a human.

"Hazel, truth or dare?"

Percy jackson truth or dare, and more... (A Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now