Chapter 43

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Ok so there it is!!!! The winner of the contest is... drumroll please.......


Thank you all so much for creating these wonderful covers!!!!

Ok and now here's the update everyone desperately wanted!!!

Percy's pov


I threw myself over Annabeth to protect her from the chunks of rubble that had gone flying when the wall blew up.

As everyone shakily stood up, I squinted through the dust at where the wall used to be, and in its place was giants.

Twelve to be exact.

I brought out riptide as the rest of the demigods sprung into action, it was actually pretty cool to see the girls slashing away at the legs of giants, in frilly floofy dresses. I couldn't hold in my giggles as one giant picked up Annabeth so she b***h slapped him so hard he dropped her, where she landed gracefully.

While every other kid at the prom was running around screaming, we managed to kill twelve giants, and all before 10 pm. New record!

When the last monster turned into dust, we all sat down, breathing heavily.

"Well, that was fun, lets go to prom again sometime, any one else craving something sweet?" Leo said sarcastically.

We went to Dairy Queen.

I got one of those blue Arctic rush things and shared with Annabeth, Frank and Hazel shared a chocolate milkshake, Jason and Piper shared a banana split, and Leo and Calypso shared spit.

Jason's POV

When we got home, we saw the minion movie, still so happy we get to see everything free from our own house.

I recommend seeing the movie, I think I fangirled the most out of everyone, girls included, in fact, Calypso and Hazel didn't really understand the big deal about minions, so they didn't fangirl at all. Stupid old people.

We all went to bed at around one in the morning, not planning to get up until we smelled Hazel cooking breakfast at around noon.

Franks POV

The next morning, I sadly woke up to natural causes, not the smell of Hazel cooking breakfast. I frowned when I looked at the clock to see it was already 12:30. Something was wrong.

I got the rest of the boys up before exploring the house, not finding a trace of fresh bacon or pancakes.

"We should check on them," Leo said, rubbing his stomach.

We walked to hazels door and knocked. No answer.

Leo's POV

I covered my eyes, then barged into hazels room. I didn't hear and squealing girls so I opened my eyes, then gasped.

Hazel obviously wasn't in the room, but her room was trashed. all her bed sheets were ripped and thrown across the room, clothes were everywhere. It was a mess.

I looked over to the other guys, then ran out the door and into Calypso's room. Completely trashed, no Calypso.

I went into Piper and Annabeth's rooms to find Percy and Jason just sitting on their beds, staring at their feet.

The girls were gone.

As I walked out and downstairs so chief Leo could make breakfast, I had to gulp in fresh air, those girls really like their perfume.

Percy jackson truth or dare, and more... (A Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now