Chapter 13

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Percy's POV

After the campfire, I went back to my cabin, finding the doorway blocked by a wall of fur. Mrs. O'leary started panting happily. I read the sign around her neck.

Wlli lveae yuor cbain atfre gmae of tug of wra.

That's what it looked like with my dyslexia.

"Will... leave... your... cabin.. after.. game... of... tug of war."

As soon as mrs o'leary heard me say tug of war, her favorite game, she grabbed her giant rope. I had no choice. I grabbed onto the other end and braced myself.

I was swung around and around, I didn't know which way was up. I fell to the ground and blacked out.


Pipers POV

The next morning, I woke up early to practice. I went to go get my practicing clothes on, but they weren't there.

Princess dresses in every style and color. I didn't know what to do, I needed to wear something. I put on a dress that I could practice in, but unfortunately it was pink. hot pink.

You have no idea how hard it is to practice in a dress. it gets in the way and slows you down. I almost got killed on the lava wall because the skirt got caught on part of the wall. I'm gonna kill whoever did this.


Nico's POV

I walked into my cabin after campfire and screamed. everything was pink.


Annabeth's POV

After campfire I went to my cabin to read before bed.

I pulled down a book and opened it, only to find a picture of Santa and his elves. I was so mad but I started laughing when I realized that the elves looked like Leo.

I checked all of my books, all the Christmas story. I am so mad!!


Frank's POV

I was so tired after campfire, I got in my usual position and fell asleep.

The next morning, when I woke up, my wrists felt funny. I had these weird bracelets that looked like Chinese handcuffs on. I tried to pull them off. but I couldn't. I had to walk around with the things on my wrists.


Jason's POV

After campfire I put on my pj pants and went to bed.

I woke up to a pipers voice coming from the alarm clock.

"Wake up. get up an APPEAR outside. fly around like superman."

Like a zombie, I got up and did as I was told. I didn't know about the underwear.



I walked into my cabin and went to sleep. I had a stupid demigod dream and needed a midnight snack. I went to my fridge and opened it. I screamed. my food was gone!! And i couldn't find my tool belt!!!!


Thalia's POV

After a long day, I didn't want to go to campfire so I just skipped it. at the Artemis cabin, not really paying attention, I grabbed a cd off a stack and started playing it.

"That's what makes you beautiful!" the cd sung.



Hazels POV

I pushed open the door to my cabin and started to walk in when I was soaked. it didn't feel like water. I looked at my now green hands.

I ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I used shampoo like, 4 times to make sure I got all the paint out.

When I got out of the shower, I wrapped my hair up in a towel and got ready for bed.

I took of the towel on my head and looked in the mirror. I screamed. Mt hair was bright blue and super Afro curly! looking around I saw a bottle on the table I didn't notice before. It said blue hair die, permanent. I screamed a lot.

After I got over the shock, I started to crawl into bed, but couldn't because the sheet was to short. I reached under to fix it, and came up with a handful of worms. I didn't get any sleep that night.



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