Chapter 19

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Leo's POV

I need to find a girlfriend. I would go save Calypso, but the Argo || isn't ready to fly.

I looked around the camp. Ashley? Nah, she is way too shy. Carmen? She hates me after I accidentally torched her canoe while I tried to ask her out...

I had no luck. When I would find a girl, she would run away or start laughing. I slumped down on the beach.

"Hey, can you help me with something? I'm new," a girls voice said. I turned around and saw the most beautiful girl.

She had medium length brown curls and bright blue eyes.

"I'm Nicole."

"I'm Leo, son of Hepheastus."

"Can you tell me about this whole claiming thing, that really confuses me."

"Umm sure, wanna go in a canoe?"

"No thanks, I have a better place, follow me!"

She grabbed my hand and drug me along the shore of the water. she pulled me over to a tree and started climbing. when she got onto a perfect sitting branch, I started to climb.

"So, do you know who my parent is?" she asked.

"Nope, but I can narrow it down for ya, do you live with your dad or your mom?"

"I live with my dad, why?"

"So your mom is a goddess, she should claim you as her daughter soon whoever she is."

We sat there and talked for a while, when I new I had to ask.

"Nicole, would you, ummmm, like to, to go on a date with me?"

"That would be great!"

"Wait, you said yes?"

"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?"

"Ummmm, no reason. Meet me outside cabin 9, don't eat dinner, dress nice!"

"K! see you there!"

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