Chapter 34

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Colt pulled into the dark parking lot of the familiar Texas town. His ex-partner, Daniel, was already waiting in the back corner of the lot under the shadows of the trees in a patrol car. Colt cut off the lights of his truck and parked it off to the side before approaching.

"I can't thank you enough for meeting me," said Colt as Daniel stepped out of the vehicle.

"It's the least I can do how many times you had my back," said Daniel as he shook his hand.

"What can you tell me on Dakota's case?"

"There's not much I can tell you. The case got cold after the house turned up empty. The witness couldn't give much information besides the location, what she heard, and the man she was with. She wasn't kidnapped but willingly went to his home after a night at the bar. We found chains and shackles in the bedroom. It appears he was holding her there. No blood. Nothing left behind to indicate she isn't alive. We did some digging this afternoon on other possibilities of where he could be found. Some of his family aren't too far from here. He has a cousin with priors the next county over. They are making contact with him through his parole officer. There is an old family cabin his father owned decades ago just off of Texas Highway 16. The Texas Rangers are involved now too and we are meeting with them in the morning."

"The cabin. Where is it?"

"About two hours from here. An hour southwest of Dallas."

"How far off the highway is it?"

"Pretty far. And, they haven't confirmed that is where he is yet. It's behind on taxes and we aren't even sure if he knows it exists since it was his father's, not his."

"I need the address to the cabin."

Colt could see Daniel's eyebrow raise in the darkness.

"You should wait for the Texas Rangers. They have more resources than our county and surrounding ones combined."

"Collin will end this in a murder-suicide if he isn't caught by surprise. If it's that far off of the highway, it will be difficult for anyone to see what is going on back there. Especially if he has supplies to last him weeks without leaving. A helicopter could even set him off. Give me the address and I'll look myself. I'm not a cop anymore so I'll take the risk of trespassing just to confirm she isn't there."

"I dunno, Colt."

"Please. If you don't give it to me, I'll find it myself. It won't take me long with the county records to get that information."

Daniel sighed before pulling out his notebook from his vest pocket.

"If anyone asks, you didn't get it from me."

"I would never put your job on the line like that. Besides, everyone knows I'm resourceful."

"True. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't owe you one. And I know how much she means to you. I still think you should wait."

"Wait for him to kill her? I don't want to take that chance. I couldn't live with myself."

"And what if you get both of you killed trying to play knight in shining armor?"

"You don't know Dakota. If she hasn't escaped now, she's in trouble."

"Give me a call if you find her. I can use the tip to get all the agencies together to bring her home."

Colt nodded, knowing he was going to do the exact opposite of that. Daniel didn't have to know. He didn't want to worry him. Waving goodbye as Daniel left for a call, he returning to his truck. The map pulled up the general area he expected after he typed in the address on his phone. It was hilly and fully of trees. The address itself was deep in the woods. At least a mile in with no access road, from what he could tell on the satellite. This would be the place Collin would take her if he knew about it. There was not a shred of doubt in his mind.

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