Chapter 18

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Dakota sat on the couch and sulked quietly while Colt searched the outside of the property. She didn't like how he always had the right thing to say and she especially hated how he could read her thoughts. How could a man she barely know do that? She decided it must be some sort of cop thing. At least, that's all she could come up with. She drummed her fingers on the coffee table in front of her as her eyes drifted around the living room.

She could see a few things were out of place. Colin must have been here long enough to snoop around trying to find proof she lived here. She was sure he didn't recognize anything. Everything was new since she moved in. She didn't want something like this to happen. She prepared for this.

"It's all clear. And, your horses are fine. I checked on them while I was out there," said Colt as he came through the back door.

"Good. Now I can go to bed," said Dakota haughtily as she stomped towards her room.

"Do you want me to sleep nearby?" asked Colt as he threw his boots off to the side.

Dakota stopped in mid-stride and gave him a wide-eyed stare of disbelief. He looked serious about his offer. How could he be serious? She barely knew him.

"I'm fine. Thanks," she clipped, as she reached for her bedroom door.

"I can sleep on the couch. That way I'll be in the next room if you need me. You don't have to fight this alone."

"No. I don't need you sleeping on the couch. It's nothing I can't handle."

"Are we going to at least talk about what happened tonight?"

Dakota opened the door as she shook her head in response.

"Dakota, please."

She slammed her door shut with more force than she meant to. She leaned on the door for a moment as she let out a shaky breath. The last thing she needed to do is get caught up in another man. Especially a hard worker like Colt.

"Fuck," she mumbled to herself as she paced the room.

Her mind was moving a million miles and hour trying to make sense of everything that happened tonight. From how relieved she felt with Colt taking her away from Brett to the rush of rage when she punched Jessie Jo in the face more than a few times in his honor. The smell of Colt was burned in her mind as much as the electric sparks she felt when he kissed her. She shoved the happiness down knowing she was protecting herself. She had never been so happy and didn't want to grow accustomed to it. It was just all too much to process right now.

Dakota dragged her feet to the bed, shucking off her clothes. She threw on an oversized T-shirt before climbing in the bed. She looked at the windows in her room that were covered by thick curtains. What Colt had said about Colin knowing the layout of the house now concerned her. She swallowed the fear and reminded herself that no only were the windows locked but she had her gun by her side. She didn't need Colt to keep her safe. She had been doing fine all these years on her own.


Dakota woke up gasping for breath and covered in sweat. She couldn't remember what she dreamed but the nauseous feeling in her stomach indicated a memory she rather forget. She stumbled out of bed and threw on some jeans as she glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It was barely five in the morning. She had only been asleep for two hours. She groaned and grabbed her pack of cigarettes with a shaky hand. She needed some fresh air.

Dakota opened the bedroom door and stepped out, jumping in fright when her foot landed against something soft but firm.


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