Chapter 3

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6 Months Later

Dakota wandered to the local bar wanting to wet her whistle. She had a long hard day and deserved a drink. The last six months had been nothing but hard work. She escaped from Texas to her late father's property in Colorado that was left abandoned and on the verge of being auctioned for back taxes. She caught everything up and had found solace there. She was now on the hunt for hiring some help on the property. Between the slow renovations trying to fix up the place after years of neglect and training problem horses for adoption, she barely had time for herself. That is why tonight she was going out on the town to get a few drinks in.


She looked across the bar to see a group of three older men sitting on the far side in front of the bartender. She waved at them and walked over. She smiled at her late Father's friends and sat down next to one of them.

"How are you boys doing?" she said after she gave the bartender her order.

"Boys? Missy, I wish we were your age. Less aches and pains. And, more fun!"

"I don't know about that. I have aches and pains. And, my fun is my work."

"You sound like your Grandfather. I remember growing up and he was all about work. Your dad couldn't stand," chuckled the man next to her.

Dakota smiled and picked up the dark amber drink in front of her. The cold, smooth taste of whiskey hit the spot as it burned its way down. She scanned the bar for the hundredth time, memorizing all the details. There were only a dozen patrons so it wasn't as overwhelming as it would have been on a busier night. A girl's giggle came from behind her. She swung around to see a pretty brunette behind her swaying slightly with her arms around a cowboy. Dakota sneered at them, irritated they were standing so close. The cowboy must have seen her face as he pulled the girl to the side and sat her on the chair.

"Stay right here, sweetheart, while I get myself a drink."

"Oh! Let me have a Sex on the Beach," she said as she wiggled her well-manicured eyebrows.

"I think you've had enough. Don't pout, sweet cheeks. You're already fun enough."

The cowboy leaned against the bar one seat away from Dakota.

"Can I get a scotch on the rocks," said the Cowboy next to her.

Dakota took another swig of her drink and felt his eyes on her. She turned to look at the Cowboy and her senses filled with a masculine scent she had never smelled before. It wasn't cologne. It was pure male. She glanced at the Cowboy's face seeing it was shadowed by his hat. But, she could see his attention was on her. She nodded at him and took another swig of her drink.

"I haven't seen you around before," said the Cowboy.

"I can say the same for you," replied Dakota.

The bartender brought the Cowboy his drink.

"Whatever the lady is drinking, add another one to my tab," said the Cowboy.

Dakota sat up taller in her seat and turned to the mystery man next to her.

"You don't need to buy me a drink. You have your hands full already with Daisy Duke over there," she said as she nodded to the tipsy brunette now glued to her phone.

"Just take the nice gesture. You're welcome," said the Cowboy revealing a set of pearly white teeth.

Before Dakota could argue any further, the Cowboy went back to the girl at the table. The brunette giggled in excitement as he said something cute.

"I see you've met Colt."

She turned to see all three of the men at the bar were snickering.

"What's so funny?" asked Dakota.

"He has a way with the women. But, you seem immune. We see him every night having just a good ol' time. I miss those days," said one of the men.

"You couldn't pick up a quarter of the women he does," snorted another man.

Dakota's eyes widened. "I take it he's a lady's man."

"He doesn't even try. Something about him I suppose. But, his spell didn't phase you and I think that's bothering him."

"What do you mean?"

"He keeps looking over here. That man doesn't know what to do with himself," chuckled the man next to her.

Dakota finished her drink and took the second one Colt bought her. She raised it and nodded his way, seeing that he was indeed looking at her from across the room. She turned back around to face the bar, ignoring the burning feeling he was staring at her. The last thing she needed is to get involved with a womanizer, let alone any man. She didn't need one.

She held a conversation with the older men at the bar, taking her time with her drinks. They discussed work as usual. It was impossible not to with it being their livelihood. All three men agreed to pass it around she needed an extra hand. She could use some help before she either hurt herself or ran herself to the ground. To her relief, Colt never returned.

As she finished her fourth drink, she decided it was time to go back to the ranch. She paid her tab and turned back around to see Colt was now talking to another woman. Her face was buried in his neck as she whispered in his ear. The brunette from earlier was nowhere to be seen. Colt's shadowed face turned to Dakota's direction. She kept her head low and escaped to the parking lot. She stopped for a moment to light a cigarette before digging in her leather jacket pocket for her keys.

"Do you need a ride home?" asked a familiar voice behind her.

She turned to see Colt. The new woman wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"No thank you. I'm fine."

"You had four solid drinks of liquor."

"I can hold my alcohol. I have plenty of experience with that and I know what my limits are."

Dakota was irritated he knew how many drinks she had. How could he pay attention that much with at least two women all over him throughout the night?

"I can call you a cab."

"That won't be necessary. I appreciate the offer but a cab isn't going to take me out where I need to get to."

Colt's jawline tightened in irritation.

"Well, if you are sure. Drive safe," whispered Colt before turning on his heel, walking back in the bar.

Dakota took one last puff of her cigarette before climbing in the truck. She pushed away any wandering questions or thoughts about the mysterious cowboy and drove home.

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