Chapter 37

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Colt winced as he rose to his feet, then eased himself onto the wheelchair next to his bed. He adjusted the hospital his hospital gown, grimacing as he did from pain and not wanting to wear it.

"Are you ready to go to your new room, Mr. Ramirez?" asked the CNA as she put a blanket over his bare legs.

"Yes, I am. As long as we make a stop first."

"Where did you want to go?"

"Dakota Taylor's room. I don't know which one it is, but someone told me yesterday she is a patient here."

"I'll find out for you when we stop by the nurse's station."

The CNA pushed him out of the ICU room he had been in the past two days and over to the nurse's station. She spoke to the lady behind the counter for a moment before heading to the elevators.

"She is just a few doors down from where we are going," said the CNA as she pushed the illuminated down arrow next to the sliding doors.

As they made their way down the hallway, the CNA stopped by room 311, the scent of antiseptic filling the air. He peered in as she stopped the wheelchair and felt his heart quicken. The room was dimly lit as Dakota lay in bed, her chest rising and falling with each peaceful breath.

"We can go to your room and you can come by later when she's awake," whispered the CNA.

"It can't wait. She needs to know I'm okay."

Dakota's eyes opened suddenly upon hearing his voice.


He motioned for the CNA to push him into the room. She stopped the wheelchair next to Dakota's bed.

"I'll give you two some privacy and let your nurse know you are in here."

Despite the sound of the door shutting, Colt's attention remained on Dakota. Slowly but surely, her body was beginning to mend. He could see some bruises were fading while others were recovering. He reached out and took her hand.

"I'm so glad to finally see you," he said with a sigh.

He inched the wheelchair closer, wishing he could lean forward to kiss her but the bandages on his side kept him from doing that.

"I'm relieved to see you are okay. I tried to call the ICU to talk to you, but they wouldn't let me," said Dakota softly.

"Why not?"

"I'm not family. The doctor tried to set up phone calls, but it was always lost in communication that I can speak to you. ICU has strict rules, apparently."

Dakota squeezed his hand. Her smile growing serious by the second.

"Is it true?" she whispered.

"What true?"

"He's gone?"

Colt's face remained expressionless as he stared at her. Her statement left him in shock, but he managed to keep his composure.

"Dakota, you don't remember?"

"No. All I know is they found his body, and the police said I did it in self-defense. I don't remember anything."

"He's gone. You will never have to worry about him again," said Colt gently.

"What am I missing? What happened?"

Colt sighed. He wasn't sure how to approach that topic.

"After he stabbed me, you took his knife and did the same to him. Except you kept going, not stopping until I said he was dead."

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