Chapter 20

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Dakota looked down at her phone as her heartbeat pounded her ear drums.

Colt is MINE. He will tell you we are divorced but he's married to me.

What does that say about you messing around with a married man?

You think you're special but he will do the same to you as he does every other girl. Throws them away and moves on to the next one. But, he always comes back to ME.

You have your fun. He already said he will be moving me up there to live with him. He will have his family back and you will just be another slut he just had fun with.

Dakota stopped reading the text messages to Colt. She glanced up at him to see he looked livid. His face melted when she let out a snort in amusement.

"What?" he asked.

"You really think I can take this seriously? It's the ramblings of a mad woman! She doesn't even know who she's talking to since she sent me that message hours ago asking for my name," said Dakota with a giggle.

"She was the one who texted you this morning?"

Dakota nodded as she shoved her phone back in her pocket.

"There's a reason why I couldn't stand her," grunted Colt.

"No need to explain. It's clear from what you told me and these crazy messages. I'm not an insecure woman that needs explaining. And she doesn't realize I'm your boss."

Dakota turned to look out the window. Her grin faded as she looked at how busy the parking lot was. People were moving in and out of the store in small groups. A few dozen cars scattered across the spaces made her feel slightly claustrophobic even with the thought of going in.

"Just keep the doors locked. The gun is in the glove box. And, I'll be back," reassured Colt.

He gave her hand a small squeeze before he departed to the store. She watched him move at lightening speed through the parking lot and enter the store. She didn't think she would have to wait long based on his pace. Her phone chirped again in her pocket. It must be another message from his ex. She thought her name might be Regina but couldn't remember. She wasn't important. She had other things to worry about besides a lunatic woman who couldn't let go of a man that clearly hated her.

"Now if that isn't some attachment issues, I don't know what is," she muttered to herself.

Her mind drifted to Colin. She wondered if maybe that is why he was so persistent. Before her mind could analyze Colin's unhealthy obsession with controlling her, she saw Colt come out of the store followed by two employees. They were rolling a large front door, a box, and a few other things on a red lumbar cart. Dakota stepped out of the truck to offer help but Colt stopped her.

"It's okay. I was offered help by this gentleman and another employee volunteered as well," said Colt as they started loaded items in the back of the truck.

The girl that came with the other male employee looked disappointed as she glanced at Dakota. She was clearly upset Colt didn't come alone. Dakota looked at the front door they were loading and her mouth fell open.

"You bought that for me?" she asked in surprise.

"Of course! I thought you would like it."

She didn't just like it. She loved that door. The rustic wooden door was a deep distressed brown with a beautiful square stain glass portrait on top. It was decorated with colorful horses and mountains.

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