Chapter 10

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Colt swung his head around to see a tall man at the bar talking to an older gentleman.

"How do you know she's even here? I haven't seen her in quite a few years."

"Her aunt told me where to find her but she didn't know the address. I'm sure Dakota is worried sick about me and I just can't seem to find her."

"Give her a call on her cell. If you do get a hold of her, tell her to come back home. We miss her around here."

Colt watched the tall man turn around, knowing who it was before he saw his face. It was Colin. He watched as he wandered around the bar with a dark expression before leaving.

"Excuse me ladies," said Colt quickly before making his way to the window.

He peeked out the window seeing the wind had picked up, blowing dust up from the vacant lot behind the bar. But, there was no sign of Colin. Colt walked up to the bar stopping in front of the older gentleman who was throwing back his drink.

"Colt! How are you?" boomed the man.

"So, you never told me Dakota was a female when you told me about this work opportunity," said Colt with a chuckle.

The man laughed as he motioned for the bartender to refill his glass.

"Well, no offense against Dakota, but I don't know if she qualifies as a female."

Colt thought about her curves that tempted him in so many ways. She was definitely a female even though she was tough as nails and as gritty as a ranch hand.

"Besides," continued the old man, "I figured you could handle her. She's a different kind than these other girls that flock at your heels."

Colt laughed in response and shook his head. "Ain't that the truth. So, what does her good for nothing ex-husband want?"

"Oh you know about him?"

Colt nodded, not revealing how. Knowing Dakota, she didn't share that information.

"He's looking for her but I don't think she wants to be found. Hopefully he'll go back where he came from," grumbled the old man.

"I highly doubt that," mumbled Colt.

He motioned for the bartender and paid for his tab. He needed to get back to Dakota to warn her.

"Where are you heading, Cowboy?"

Colt turned around to see one of the girls had made her way to him. Her eyes were glassy from one too many drinks. Her lips pouted in a seductive way as she popped her hip to the side waiting for an answer. Any other night, he would have played along. But, not now.

"Something came up, darlin'. I'll have to cross paths with you another time," he said with a wink before stepping past her to reach the exit door.

Colt quickly jumped in the cab of the truck and drove down the dark dirt roads towards Freedom Ranch. Snow was starting to drift in, making it difficult to see. He slowed the truck down knowing it wouldn't do anyone good if he ended up in a ditch. He was usually a patient person but, he found himself worrying about Dakota. What if someone told Colin where she lived? What if he ambushed her? What if —

He slammed on the brakes, sliding on the dirt and snow, when he saw tire tracks leading up to Dakota's porch. Someone was here recently. He slipped out of the truck, grabbing his pistol from he glove box. He positioned himself as he did for years in situations like this. Gun low, arms out, and eyes scanning. His heart drummed against his chest as clouds of mist escaped his lips. He quietly approached the front door and wiggled the knob to see it was unlocked. He threw the door open. No one was in the living room and the house was quiet.

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