Ch.1.5 Unexpected visit

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Unexpected visit

Theo's pov

The Holidays are already over. Ugh, why, why, just why? I was enjoying the Holiday break.

I spend most of my time with Ben and his friend Kean. I got the chance to go to Ben's house and meet his family. That was cool and once he told me where he worked, I always went to see him.

He was always shy every time he saw me. Cute. Anyways, we got to know one another too.

I don't know how this happened but he's like my best friend now. Yeah, Brooke technically is but he's like my best guy friend. You get what I mean.

I never thought having a new friend would be nice. I was used to only two friends and they are both girls but having a guy friend is fun too. He understands some of my struggles that as much as Brooke tries or even Pamela, they can't relate to it.

Though I did spend most of my time with Ben and Kean, I did at least hang out with Brooke once.

I celebrated Christmas with my family and New Year's too. I mostly celebrated with my mom and my sister Tamara but I did get to spend it with other members of my family.

To put it simply, I don't have a dad. Well, I do but that's besides it. He abandoned us when I was only 4 years old and Tamara was just a baby. I haven't seen him since nor do we have any contact with his family.

I'm thinking about that because seeing my mom's part of the family always reminds me that my family isn't complete.

Am I mad at my dad for doing so? Well, not really. My mom never told me the reason but I decided young that I wouldn't have any feelings regarding him, at all. Thus, my dad means nothing to me.

Luckily it isn't difficult to do so because I have no memory of him nor does Tamara. I had no attachment to him whatsoever. Which tells me he wasn't really there, to begin with.

My mom never remarried for the sake of her children she says. I doubt that's the reason through.

It stinks that I have my dad's last name. It always sounded strange but I got used to it. My mom told me when I was younger that he was European but I don't know where. If I do have European blood, it's not apparent to me, in my mind I'm American and sound American.

Regardless, I have a good relationship with my mom's side of the family even if we see them rarely now because they live across the country.

Regarding Brooke well, that's exactly why we couldn't see each other that much, family, family living far away.

One person I didn't spend Christmas with is Pamela. It's not that I don't like her, it's just we aren't close. I only see her out of school for parties. Besides, she must of spend it all with her boyfriend of hers so...

Even if it seemed like I had fun, there were some downsides. I was mostly busy thinking about a certain someone and that bugs me.
Ugh, Nathan why are you on my mind all the time?!

It's annoying I don't get it. Whether it was during a family dinner on Christmas, when I'm sleeping or even when I'm with my friends he was on my mind.

How on earth is he on my mind all the time? I hate him, hate him!! I don't think my body agrees, just thinking about it makes my whole body hot.

Before the kiss, I would rarely think about him as I hated his guts but now it's concerning how much I think of him, he has been on my mind more often than anyone else and I didn't see him for the entire holidays.

I thought I could get over it during the Holidays but it only got worse. It's hard trying to act like I hate him when I think about him entering his cock in my ass.

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