Ch.4.1 Reunion

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Theo's pov

10 years later...

I can't believe that Moonlight is 10 years old. She has grown up so fast that I can't keep up with her anymore. The other day it was her birthday, her 10th birthday. That's a huge milestone for her.

Every time that I think about how much she's grown it makes me feel like I'm old, while I'm not. I'm only 28.

Most of the parents of the children in Moonlight's class are in their mid-30s maybe close to the 40's. So I really think I should stop feeling that old.

Ever since I had Moonlight this familiar question always popped up, Do you regret having her at only 18? Well, my answer is always and it always will be no. Even if I used to say I regretted it. It just changed when she came into my life.

I genuinely don't regret having her, even if I had her too young it doesn't stop me from loving her. She makes me so proud.

Sure almost no one knows to this day about my condition, they mostly think I'm her dad. They know that I'm a gay dad, well that's a story for another day.

Nobody has really questioned me about that as they genuinely do think I'm her father.

Honestly not putting my last name was definitely a good decision. Nobody suspects anything. Sure I've gotten negative reactions because they know I'm a gay single dad.

They think that I had her via a surrogate and that the guy who was supposed to raise a family with me abandoned me. I think they mostly made that up.

They don't believe I adopted her at only 18, also because she looks a lot like me. I mean, I can't blame them. Having a baby via a surrogate is popular nowadays.

That's a good thing for me, I don't actually have to think about him...Speaking of which I haven't talked or seen him since that day.

Moonlight never met her father, he, yeah abandoned us but it's not like that.

At least Nathan and I left on what I call on good terms.

I mean he's not present at all. I don't know what he has become today but all I know is that he eventually agreed to pay for child support since that's the rule.

During the past 10 years, he has paid for child support. As far as I know, I still receive payment every month even if I don't need it anymore.

I noticed that he always pays the same amount. I won't say the amount but it's fair to say I'm surprised he can even pay that much every month knowing he most definitely isn't rich.

Today he might be rich even if I highly doubt it but it's mostly in the beginning.

I'm sure he didn't go to college. He was at home when I went to get help and Moonlight was born right afterwards instead of being in class, so he definitely didn't go to college.

Maybe that's not the case today but again I highly doubt it knowing he hated school. He sucked at school and skipped most of the time.
I had to tutor him back in my senior year.

I'll admit that thinking about Nathan is still a sensitive topic. I don't know why but thinking about him still to this day gives me the chills. I don't think I fully got over him...sure it's not like 10 years ago but thinking about him makes me feel all weird all around again.

Then I have to think about the fact that everything I think about is a dream because the reality is that he's not in my life anymore. I still dream about him here and there.

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