Running away from feelings final part

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Emerick's pov

It was the start of the trip I was dreading. We just arrived at our destination and we went to unpack our stuff in our cabin. I enter first and then Carson arrives not too long after. He closes the door behind him.

As soon as he gets in, I instantly notice that he smiles upon seeing me and I took it upon myself to put up some ground rules.

"Look, since we'll be sharing this cabin for the next two days. Let's set up some ground rules."

"Ok!" He smiles too brightly for it to be normal. Seeing him smile like that at me hurts.

"First rule: Don't talk to me unless it's an emergency." His smile drops. Ok, maybe I went a bit too far with that.


"Second rule: Don't bother me when I'm trying to read or study." That will be basically all the time we are here lol.


"Third rule: I always take my shower first."

"Ok..." Why does he agree to everything so easily?

"Fourth rule: Don't touch my stuff."


"And last rule: Well, I guess I don't have one. Have anything to add?"


"Well, then we're settled now." The way he's looking at me is as if he wants to say something but doesn't which annoys me.

We unpack our stuff and then we head out to our school group. I guess it won't be so bad after all.


Carson's pov

I really didn't expect that earlier. I didn't think Emerick would act that coldly...I haven't told anyone yet of that not even Ella. Even if it's only been hours.

It's dinner now and we eat at a restaurant not too far from our cabin. Of course, I eat with Ella.

"Hey Carson something is bothering you, right? Why aren't you saying anything?" She says.

"No, I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Something is eating you from the inside. You can tell me you know?" She says worried.

"I know it's just..."

"Is it something bad?"

"'s just that the boy I'm paired off with Emerick doesn't want to do anything with me..."

"Wait you're talking about that Emerick?"


"What did he do to you?"

"He set up some ground rules."

"What kind?"

"Like I can't talk to him at all times. I can't bother him basically."

"What kind of rules is that? How dare he be such a jerk!"

"Calm down Ella. It's not his fault. He has every right to ignore me."

"No, he doesn't! What he is doing isn't right."

"It's not that bad..."

"Yes, it is! You can't let him control you like that!"

"It's fine Ella."

"No, you're not fine. I can tell that it's bothering you. You were hoping to talk to him right?"

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