All about male pregnancy

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As you now know that Theo is eating for two and that I promised in the author's notes I'd do a pregnancy 101, well here it is.

Does it feel different for Theo to be pregnant?: As you may have noticed so far no.

Are there any complications?: Oh yes there is but luckily so far it hasn't happened to Theo or appeared.

There are more chances for miscarriage to happen as men aren't supposed to normally be the ones to conceive and have a fetus grow inside of them.

It might be potentially dangerous too. As the womb as it grows to carry the fetus may rip apart another body part if not looked carefully.

There is a risk of being completely exhausted and ending up causing complications.

Males aren't supposed to have a womb and biologically majority of the time already have the reproductive system of a male. There isn't a lot of space for the womb, just enough to support a normal pregnancy.

Thus, having the womb expand is challenging as it is all the while carrying the fetus. So it is a bit normal that let's say Theo would feel more exhausted. Through if conditions and circumstances don't support it he could end up too exhausted and lose the fetus. So miscarrying.

Unfortunately if not taken care of probably it could also potentially evolve into serious complications and death even worse.

Thus, the chances of serious complications and death are higher in people with this condition.

Can he develop breasts?: Another imperfection of his condition. So no he doesn't develop that. So as you can tell he'll have to find another way for the baby to drink its milk.

Does he feel more uncomfortable than usual seen in typical pregnancies?:

Well, it depends. Of course, he feels uncomfortable. It doesn't feel really great to have a womb expand, all the while still having the reproductive system of a male at the same time.

It isn't supposed to be more hurtful if taken care of well.

What about labour?: Oh well that. As a male doesn't have a natural hole for a baby to come out they mostly deliver a baby by a C-section.

By the way, they still would get their water broken as it is the same as typically observed.

Is it more complicated?: Well yes it is. It is more painful as a person with the condition would still feel the urge to push. The baby won't be able to come out as there isn't any natural hole for it.

What happens if a baby doesn't get delivered by C-section?: Unfortunately, the person with the condition would still have the urge to push and because of that the baby has a risk of being in danger so is the conceiver.

They would get so exhausted from pushing over and over again without the baby coming out that they seriously risk putting their life in danger and the baby too.

The baby could potentially get hurt in the process too. So if it goes on too long, unfortunately, they would both lose their life.

So it is extremely important to make sure the baby gets delivered before this happens. In an ideal, it would be even before the conceiver has the urge to push.

So this sums it up for the 101 about male pregnancy.

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