2022 Easter special

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Easter special 2022

Unknown pov

"Hey babe, come here."

"Ok, but why?

"Just come here, you'll see why soon enough."

"Fine..." He walks towards me close to the dining room.

"Look what I bought you for Easter," I smirk and his face drops once he notices the thing in question. Ahah! His face is beat red now.

"No, you didn't buy me that for me right...?" I laugh.

"I'm sure this little bunny costume would suit you really well." Teasing him is always fun.

"But...but why?" He says confused and flustered.

"Cause why not? I saw that at the store the other day and I thought of you wearing it." He slaps me.

"You perf!"

"Hey, says the one that's always horny."

"That's not even true!"

"Sure it is."

He gives up on trying of proving a point and he laughs with me in his own misery. Then an evil plan spawns in my mind and I do just that, I slap his ass.

"Hey!" He says aggressively.

"What? I couldn't help myself." I smirk.

"Look what you did to me." He says

"What? I can't see anything?" I play the innocent card despite knowing full well what's he referring to.

"My ass damnit!"

"Well, that's too bad. I really want to see what kind of impact my slap had on your ass but I'm afraid you aren't naked babe." He glares at me and my smirk only gets brighter.

"I knew you were a perf!"

"Oh come on, go try it on. I'm dying to see you in that costume." I smirk.


While he goes into our bedroom to put that on, our daughter comes out into the kitchen.

"What was that?"

I don't even bother hiding any fun stuff that Theo and I do to her anymore. Besides she's old enough to know what it is that's going on anyway. I mean at 13 I was already testing the waters, so...

Normally, I have to hide it because the boys are too young for that but lucky me they aren't here today. They are at their grandma's, yeah Theo's mom.

"I bought a bunny costume for your papa."

"No, you didn't?"

She pretends to be shocked. Things like that happen all the time now of days, so it's not new.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see him in it." Then she smirks.

"Can I see him too?" I fake a glare at her.

"He's mine."

"Geez Dad, no need to tell me. I know he's only yours." She says sarcastically and I laugh. She really does get this sarcasm from me.

"I'm just kidding with you but admit that your papa is hot."

"Dad..." She's begging me to stop with the crap.

"You don't have to answer, it was a joke anyway but go to your room kiddo. You don't want to see anything going on between your papa and I right?"

"Yeah, I surely don't." She makes a disgusted expression.

Then she leaves with some snacks but as if on cue Theo comes downstairs. I look at him and my jaw instantly drops. Omg, it's even better than I imagined, he's so...sexy...my briefs are already getting tight. Ugh, come on I'm a grown adult for f**k's sake, I should be able to control myself.

He walks towards me timidly. Aw, how cute, after all those years, he hasn't changed. I lick my lips. He can tell what kind of effect his outfit has on me.

"You're so...wow...I'm at a loss for words..." I say gabbing almost like a fish.

He's completely bright red out of sheer embarrassment. He even has bunny ears and a bunny tail on his ass. Oh gosh, how did I get so lucky?

He has springs on his lower half supported by some suspenders on his shoulders that shows his entire chest. Oh gosh, this feels like heaven...Theo all mine?

A few years ago him in such a sexy outfit would have been a dream but now this is actually my reality right now. Oh f**k someone kill me, he's too hot to handle.

"Mmm" He tries to get my attention back on him and it works.

"Shh, you don't want anyone to hear us right?"

"Nathan, the boys aren't even here and as much as I'm concerned, our daughter is old enough to not bother with this." For once he agrees on this matter...


Way to kill the mood...Eh, it doesn't matter because I have some plans anyways.

"Come on we're heading in our room. I don't think the kitchen would be too comfortable for what I want to do."

"Then what is it you want to do?" He asks innocently.

"I think it has happened so many times that you know by now what it is I'm thinking about right?"

"Yeah...I know."

We head to our room and I place myself on the bed.

"Wait, wait...what about protection? We both don't want me to be pregnant again right?" He says worried.

"Pssh, we'll deal with the consequences later, I wouldn't mind you getting pregnant again," I say nonchalantly.

"You sure?" God, I hate serious conversations when I'm hard.

"If you end up pregnant, it's not like it would be that much of a problem. We are in a good position right now financially to have another baby and besides, I wouldn't mind one more." I try to reassure him.

"Alright don't complain if it happens through."

"Don't worry I won't. Now shut up and let's have some fun."

We ended up doing it 3 times exactly like the old times, forgetting even that we have a teenage daughter next to our room, who can hear us. Oh well, it's not like she'll mind right? Especially less so if the outcome gives her and the twins, a new sibling.

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