2023 Valentine's Day special

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*Before everything, I'd like to mention that this time around this special does not follow the timeline of the others, by that, I mean you won't get to see the kids, so yes it goes back in time. It's the timeline of chapter 4 so I recommend reading up to chapter 4.2. Enjoy!*

2023 Valentine's Day special

Unknown pov

I'm still overwhelmed about the other day. I still can't believe I saw Nathan after all those years. I thought I would never see him again. Yes, I saw him again just on Friday, so two days ago but it wasn't the same, we just had sex. But still, I can't believe it.

Even if I'm kind of happy I got to see him, it's also a bad thing. If I recall all the hurt he made me go through those years...it is exactly why we didn't see each other again. I'll admit we were too toxic.

He hurt me so much in the past way before we started exploring an unknown territory. I can't forget that and I never did. He made me feel all sorts of different emotions it's crazy. Unfortunately, it seems like it's the same.

I never thought a guy like him could make me feel this way. Just seeing him the other day made me realize that I still like him even if I tried so hard to move on from him.

It seems like I wasn't the only one. He too still has it for me, he said. Still, he probably didn't suffer as much as I did those past 10 years. He left behind everything even if we knew it was for the best.

Now I'm just so confused. I badly want to see him again. I already saw him two days ago but for different purposes but I know it'll be bad if I go back to him again. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm 28, not the naïve 17-year-old Theo. Two times is one thing but seeing him again for a third time? Ugh, what should I do?

He's no good and he'll never be but he's so irresistible I can't help but want him near me again. The issue here is that I did tell him last time that I wanted to see him again and I did see him again but we did just like old times, sex.

Back in the day, we never talked about being serious but with Nathan you know nothing is serious and I'm afraid if I see him again it'll be the same.

He seemed more mature than the guy from back then but then again he was also the guy that saved my life. I might've died if he hadn't transported me to the hospital. I'll never forget that day. That was also the last time I saw him...

I don't know how much he's changed, he never contacted me all those years but he has just last week but not to talk about what happened all those years, it was just a night of lust.

Regardless, I'll ask him next time why he didn't. Is he still scared of commitment? Does he have more of his good moments than back then?

Sure he had his good moments which made me fall for him even though he was so mean to me. He also had his bad moments which caused us to tear apart.

If only there was a magical solution to my problems...


After a few days of doing my usual routine of life and teaching my fourth graders class, I want to take a break. I know it's Wednesday and that means a weekday but for once I'm allowed to have a break, right? I haven't had many breaks during weekdays in the past.

Anyway, I was sure Nathan would have contacted me again after Saturday by then but he hasn't. I don't know what I expected from it!

I think I've made up my mind, I'll see him. I need to see him again. I can't let myself overthink everything like I always do but never know the answer.

I get off school and get in my car. I take my phone and look at the unknown number. So this is it...I click call and it rings for a little while before it answers.

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