35. Indecipherable Emotions

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"Admittedly, it's not fatally detrimental to myself," Fu Lin spoke, looking into the distance. "Blood trauma, that is. But it also has its adversities. Therefore, I cannot really concur what part of myself or rather... how much of myself feels consumed by it. I do not possess any particular feeling of ill-will or goodwill towards it. It's just there."

"How did it come to be?"

"Quite the uninteresting tale that too." Fu Lin laughed, but this time without mirth. "Somebody lost their leg in the process of saving me from a feral horse. It was during the time of a procession and my saviour was not even one of the bodyguards. He was a completely uninvolved civilian. Somebody who was absolutely innocent. He jumped in front of the horse that came rushing at me maddeningly. I thought he would die, but fortunately... or rather unfortunately, his leg was crushed beneath the hooves of the horse and had to be amputated. I was on the scene when it happened and he bled pretty heavily. For a split second, all I could see was a pool of blood and a man lying in there. I Lost consciousness after that."

"Ever since then?"

"Indeed." He rolled over the tiles of the roof, his hair spread in all directions. "Ever since then, the sight or even the smell of blood makes me throw up and triggers abnormal reactions from my body. I couldn't stop no matter how much I tried and eventually gave up resisting."

Recounting the numerous times, the General was an inch away from physically harming him and throwing him down the bridge. The General balled his fists in agitation. He didn't know how to comfort or react in a situation such as this. After dealing with blood and the dead for over 25 years, it seems he had long forgotten the ways of the living.

However, the silence the General floundered in was oddly soothing to Fu Lin. He redirected his gaze towards the General who was now looking at him with some kind of genuine emotion, something earnest and warm. Fu Lin didn't know what it was... a self-important sense of sympathy or maybe even his default compassion as the General.

Fu Lin didn't care. Whatever it was the General gave him through the meaningful silence, Fu Lin revelled in it. He felt drunk on the waves of the unspoken words that never left the General's lips and felt compelled to continue.

Even without the General asking.

"I was pretty pathetic you know?"

Fu Lin felt something in him breaking, something that he had been guarding for over 6 years, every word he spoke ten times heavier than it weighed on his mind.

"Ever since I was born I've been incompetent in many regards in comparison to my brothers. I looked down on the likes of protocols relevant to honour and loyalty and generally had an extremely warped ideology about them because of the hypocrisy both politicians and even my own family harboured with regards to them. They would feign loyalty one second and betray the next, plotting and murdering between each other. Hence I had nothing but scorn for them and their code of honour or loyalty."

General Haoran began to connect the dots now as he said, "And that's when this civilian saved your life?"

"You..." Fu Lin raised his brows, shaken. "You're quite perceptive, aren't you? But yes, that man saved me and lost his leg. As I mentioned before, I lost consciousness, and when I came to my senses, that man was before me. I was terrified when I looked at his form that was missing a leg that was sitting by a bedpost. I thought he'd come to fight for compensation. I expected him to throw something at me, yell and beat me like a bullock for putting him through that. But all he did was raise his hands gently as he stroked my head and asked whether I was okay. He seemed truly content and satisfied with what he did."

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