01- Grumpy Beginnings

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And every bright
neon sign turned into stars
And the sun and
the moon seemed to be ours
Each road that we took,
it turned into gold

-The World We Knew- Frank Sinatra


Alina received devastating news.

Her colleague, Lancelot, had tragically lost his life while on a mission. The news hit her hard, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and loss.

Lancelot was not just a colleague; he was like family to her. Alina took her time to mourn but vowed to carry on his legacy by continuing her work for the agency.

"Gentlemen, I'm thankful to say it's been 17 years since we last had occasion to use this decanter. Lancelot was an outstanding agent, and a true Kingsman. He will be sorely missed." Author spoke, raising a glass for Lancelot.

"I intend to start the selection process for Lancelot's replacement tomorrow. I want each of you to propose a candidate and have them report to UK HQ, no later than 9 p.m. GMT. Thank you." Author ended the meeting, but before Alina could leave, he called her back.

"Alina. With due respect, i don't believe you're right to choose a candidate- seen as though the last one turned out to be a.. to lightly put it.. a psychopath." He spoke, making Alina scoff at his patronising tones.

She huffed down the hallway, Merlin noticing her demeanour.

"What's up, Al?" He stopped her.

"That old hag won't let me choose a candidate because I chose Ezra last time. He simply threw it back in my face. I've made one mistake while working for the agency, and he just loves to bring it up whenever he has the chance." She ranted.

"Author isn't the sharpest when it comes to wording things right. Sitting this one out can relieve some stress, and you can use the experience to improve on decisions with future candidates. Be gentle with him; he's only trying to look out for the agency." Alina just nodded along, she knew he was right.

"You've made kingsman proud so many times. You need to relax. Take the rest of the day off, you can help me train the new group of candidates tomorrow- take some stress off me." Alina loves her friendship with Merlin. She appreciates how he helps her through so much and treats her with such kindness.


Alina was sitting in her room, doing research to see if there were any clues to the case that Merlin spoke to her about before she left. But there was nothing. Absolutely zero. And she was becoming frustrated with it.

"Al darling? Care to accompany me?" Harry asked, opening the door ajar.

"Doing what?"

"Picking up my new candidate. Launch operation Eggsy." He smirked, causing Alina to giggle at his joke as she got up to follow him out the door.

"He is a smart young man who is stuck in a setting with little opportunities. He will be beneficial to us." Harry informed, both seated in the back of the cab.

"Eggsy Unwin, regional under-10s gymnastics and the marines." Alina recited his notes aloud. "Huh, and a pretty face too." Joking a little while looking at his army photo.

"Now, now Al. What have i said about mixing work with your personal life."

"Never dip your pen in the company ink." They said in unison, only Alina put on a tired-like voice.

"Besides, all relationships are forbidden. When you don't have to worry about kids... dodging a bullet is much easier." Harry uttered.

"Oh. We're here. We'll meet up with you at that pub down the street after I introduce myself. It's been said that they have the best house wine." He smirked.

Agent Alina- Eggsy unwin Where stories live. Discover now