08- He Cheated Death and He Wants a Divorce.

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Too bad, but it's the life you lead
You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need
Though you can see when you're wrong
You know you can't always see when you're right

-Vienna- Billy Joel


"Ever heard of knocking?" Harry spoke over to Eggsy.

"Only when I'm casing a place to rob." He joked back, making Alina giggle. "Merlin said you wanted to see me?"

"I hope J.B.'s training is going as well as yours is." Harry asked, Eggsy gave the dog a command to demonstrate how well it was going.

"Congratulations on making it to the final six candidates. Your test results were even better than I could've hoped." Harry speaks.

"Thanks to Alina." He mumbles, nudging her arm while they both smile at each other.

"Eggsy, I need to have a private conversation. You're dismissed." Merlin walks in.

"Nonsense. Let him observe. Might learn a thing or two."

"As you wish. Take a look at this." Merlin connects his device to the tv.

"For God's sake, I've barely touched you. Man up!"

The video footage revealed the professors head being blown up. Alina and Eggsy couldn't help but react to what was being showed.

"Fucking hell! That is rank, Harry.
You blew up his head? It's a bit much, innit?" Eggsy squirmed.

"Actually, the explosion was caused by an implant in his neck.
Here, under the scar." Merlin zoomed in.

"Did my hardware pick up the signal that triggered it?"

"Fortunately, yes. Unfortunately, the IP address I traced it to...
is registered to the Valentine Corporation."

"That's not much of a lead. He has millions of employees worldwide." Alina chips in.

"That Richmond Valentine is a genius." Eggsy spoke, making all three of the others glance over at him with an outlandish look. "Did you not see his announcement today?"


Eggsy took the device from Merlin to show a video.

"We each spend on average $2,000 a year... on cell phone and internet usage. It gives me great pleasure
to announce... those days are over.
As of tomorrow... every man, woman and child can claim a free SIM card... compatible with any cell phone, any computer... and utilize my communications network for free. Free calls... free internet... for everyone. Forever."

"Valentine's assistant has the same implant scar. I think Mr. Valentine and I should have a tte--tte." Harry smirked.

"He's having a gala dinner next week. I'll get you an invitation."

"You need to be careful, though. Since you've been out, hundreds of VIPs have gone missing. No ransom notes, exactly like Professor Arnold." Alina spoke.

"Then I suggest you make my alias somebody worth kidnapping."


It was now time for another mission for the candidates, skydiving.

"Listen up. Your mission is to land in the target without the radar detecting you. If I read you on the radar, or you miss the target, you go home. Is that understood?" Merlin speaks.

"Drop zone coming up, 20 seconds" Alina talks into the headset.

All the candidates jumped, experiencing the exhilarating rush of the wind against their face as they freefall through the vast expanse of the sky. The adrenaline coursing through their veins, making their heart race with excitement. The world below becomes a blur of colors and shapes as they plummet, feeling weightless and alive. Every second feels like an eternity, as the thrill of the moment consumes them entirely.

"My, my, you're all very cheerful.
Did you really think it was gonna be that straightforward? Any idiot can read a heads-up display." Merlin speaks.

"A Kingsman agent needs to be able to solve problems under pressure. Like what to do when one of your group has no parachute." Alina laughs maliciously along with Merlin.



"Fuck! Which one?"

"What do we do?"

they felt an intense mix of fear and adrenaline rushing through their veins as they realise one of them doesn't have a parachute. Their heart would race, and their mind would race even faster, desperately searching for a solution.

The realization of the danger they're were in was overwhelming. A rollercoaster of emotions, from panic to determination, as they try to think on their feet and find a creative solution to save themselves. Being left in a state of unforgettable rush, a reminder of the risks they take in their line of work.

"Aim for the target. Come in under the radar. And I hope not to be scraping one of you up. But if I do have to, and you're inside the target... please know I'll be very impressed." Merlin jokes.

"Everybody listen, I've got a plan Pair off! Grab the closest person to them. Rufus, come on!"

"Rufus, you wanker"

"Bye-bye, Rufus." Alina smirks over to Merlin, as Rufus opens his parachute way too early.

"Shit, we're an odd number now!
Quick, make a circle! We pull our cords one by one! When we know who's fucked... the person on their right grabs them."

"Good plan, Eggsy. You have 30 seconds. Come on now, hurry." Alina speaks, the atmosphere gaining intensity. She was secretly rooting for Eggsy, she wanted him to make it just as bad as he did.

Eggsy and Roxy were the only ones left, he hung onto her with all his strength.

With precision and teamwork, they navigate through the air, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and determination. Finally, they reach the ground, landing with a thud and a sigh of relief.

Adrenaline still coursing through their veins, Eggsy and Roxy exchange a grateful glance, knowing they've just overcome a near-impossible situation. It's a moment of triumph and a true testament to their resourcefulness.

"Hugo, Digby. You don't land in the K, you're not in the K. Rufus, you opened too soon. You were all over the radar. All three of you, pack your bags, go home." Merlin speaks.

"Eggsy, Roxy, congratulations. You set a new record. Opening at 300 feet... that's pretty ballsy. Well done for completing another task." Alina smiles at the two. 

"Sorry, But why the fuck did you
choose me as the gimp? Am I the expendable candidate?" Eggsy yelled.

"No, no, no. You don't talk to me like that. You have a complaint, you come here and you whisper it in my ear." Merlin spoke, confidently as Alina smiled to herself, knowing what was coming next.

"You need to take that chip off your shoulder." He whispers to the boy as he pulls the tag for his parachute, making him fall back.

Alina laughs for a few moments before helping him up.

"You know Eggsy. You're not a 'gimp'. You need to get that out of your head, we don't think that of you." Alina smiles at him.

"Although that was funny, what just happened." Eggsy playfully hit her in the arm for laughing at his embarrassing moment.

Agent Alina- Eggsy unwin Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora