05- Cupid Screwed Up.

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All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
I've been for a walk
On a winters day.

-California Dreamin'- The Mamas & Papas


"Alina? Ready for the first test?" Merlin lent on the door frame to her office/ bedroom. She would crash there sometimes if she felt like it.

"Yeah, it's the water one right?" She questioned, picking herself up from her bed.

"Yep. I remember, you did great on this." Merlin smirked down at her.

"You're only saying that because i was your candidate." She playfully rolled her eyes at the man.

"Well, i can pick 'em'"

"And so can i, it seems." Alina jokes about how the picked Ezra last time. They both shared a laugh before entering the room on the other side of the double-sided mirror.

They were all fast asleep when the water suddenly started pouring in from every corner.

They soon awoke and panic filled the air as they realized that they were trapped and running out of time.

With their hearts racing, they quickly sprang into action. They searched for any possible escape routes, desperately trying to find a way out of the flooding room. Each passing moment brought more water, increasing the urgency of their mission.

"loo snorkels!"


"She's right. Fucking go!"

"Hey, hang about, what's wrong with the fucking door?" Eggsy shouted but the rest of the group just left him, all of them thinking only about themselves.

Eggsy noticed a door that could be their way out. Jumping quickly, he swam towards it, hoping to find an escape route. However, to his disappointment, the door refused to budge no matter how hard he tried.

Eggsy's heart sank as he realised his efforts were in vain. he desperately searched for an alternative solution, but time was running out, and the water level continued to rise. With each passing second, the pressure intensified.

Alina noticed how the only person she was looking at was Eggsy. The only person she focused on the entire time.

With each move Eggsy made, Alina couldn't help but be captivated by his grace and determination. The way he had unwavering focus, and his strategic thinking left Alina in awe.

Caught off guard by these newfound feelings, Alina couldn't shake the thought of Eggsy from her mind. She found herself daydreaming about moments they shared, imagining every type of scenario she could share with the boy. However, as a kingsman. Alina knew that their duty came first and would have to simply push all feelings away.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by Eggsy who was punching the mirror. He figured it out. Alina was secretly beyond ecstatic for Eggsy.

The group of candidates, now soaked and exhausted, regrouped and fell onto the floor, catching their breaths.

"Congratulations on completing your first task. Charlie, Roxy, well done. For those of you who are still confused... if you can get a breathing tube around a U-bend of a toilet... you have an unlimited air supply. Simple physics, worth remembering." Merlin sent over a smile at the group.

"Eggsy, well done for spotting that was a two-way mirror."

"He's probably seen enough of them." Charlie snicked, making Alina scoff.

"Yeah, you can all wipe those smirks off your faces. Because as far as I'm concerned, every single one of you has failed. You all forgot the most important thing... teamwork." Merlin spoke.

"Let this be a lesson how the resilience and teamwork that can prevail even in the most dire circumstances. The ability to stay calm under pressure and work together will ultimately save your lives. Also, it's a testament to the strength and resourcefulness you must have." Alina added.

"So much for classic army technique." Eggsy spoke under his breath to the girl sat next time him while they all stared at a "dead" candidate in disbelief.

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