07- Pleasing a Storm.

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Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful boy

-Beautiful Boy- John Lennon


Alina couldn't settle, the worries about Harry and the case they were investigating. As well as her own demons she was facing. It all got too much.

As the world slept peacefully, Alina found herself battling her own mind once again. Unable to find solace in sleep, she stepped out onto the mansions balcony. The cool night air embraced her, offering a sense of calm amongst the chaos.

Under the starlit sky, she poured her thoughts into the night, finding solace in the stillness.

"This is becoming a trend with us." Eggsy's voice spoke from behind her.

"What are you doing up?" Alina smiled over, as he joined her looking over the balcony.

"I could ask you the same thing." He smirks, Alina just taking a drag of her cigarette.

"I didn't know you smoked?"

"I don't, i just have one sometimes when i'm stressed." She looked down, talking to others about how she feels wasn't really a strong suit for Alina, although she could do it almost effortlessly with Eggsy.

She offered him a drag which he accepted.

"I know what it's like, to feel different." She spoke.

"See, i grew up with nothing. In training, i felt like the odd one out too." Eggsy liked how he and her shared so many similarities. It seemed as though the girl knew everything he was feeling.

"Nah, i grew up with less than nothing." Eggsy sighed "Now, i have the chance to have everything. Im afraid of fucking it all up." Alina felt sorry for the boy.

"You are kingsman material, Eggsy Unwin. And, i don't say that a lot." She smiled over.

He took her into a hug, holding her head against his chest while her hand ran up and down his back.

"Eggsy?" Alina spoke into the hug.


"Why are you wet?" Alina giggled. "Shouldn't i be asking you that same question?" Eggsy joked, making Alina pull away and playfully hit his arm.

"The guys poured water on me."

"Let's get you some new clothes before you freeze." She smiled.

They both went to her office/ bedroom, she remembers Merlin putting all spare sheets and clothes in there.


"Thank you for helping." Eggsy walked through the door, just leaving the bathroom where he got changed.

He still didn't have his shirt on, it's safe to say Alina had a lot of problems trying to stop staring.

Until early hours, the two sat in her office- They stayed up all night, chatting about their dreams, fears, and everything in between. As the moonlight danced through the window, their connection grew stronger, and their laughter filled the room. It was a night they would never forget, a night of deep conversations and endless smiles.


The next few weeks, Alina helped Merlin out the best she could by sitting in the candidates exams, training them and giving them missions. She even helped Eggsy train J.B, which isn't really following the rules but she just couldn't keep away from him. Ignoring feelings for him was getting harder.

Eggsy spent hours almost everyday accompanying Alina in her office, she helped him with studying for the tests and he sometimes helped her with her paperwork. She had also gotten closer with Roxy too, but not like she was with Eggsy. They were inseparable.

Alina was told that Harry finally woke up, and she was beyond ecstatic.

The first thing she did that day was rush into Harry's room, running up to him and giving him a huge hug.

"You're alive!" She smiled brightly.

"It's going to take more than that to kill Harry Hart." He smiled down at her as the door to his room opened.

Agent Alina- Eggsy unwin Where stories live. Discover now