13- The Sun Can Fuck Right Off.

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Over and over I keep going over the world we knew
Once when you walked beside me
That inconceivable, that unbelievable world we knew

-The World We Knew- Frank Sinatra


"Merlin, are you okay?" She asked, running up to him and taking him into a hug.

"I'll be okay. How are you?" He asked.

"Oh i've been better." She sadly smiled.

"Intruder!" Roxy shouted from the entrance of the lair.

"It's okay, Lancelot. Put it down. It's verified." Merlin spoke, all three looking at Eggsy holding some kind of device with a phone.

"Arthur's phone is receiving update texts about getting to safety. We don't have a lot of time." Alina spoke.

"What are you going to do?" Eggsy asked.

"The question is, what are we going to do?" Merlin said.

"God knows who's in Valentine's pocket and who's not.We have no choice. We are gonna have to deal
with this ourselves." Alina said.


They all followed Merlin to the plane, ready for a long flight ahead of them.

"Rox?" Alina knocked on the door to the privet jets bedroom.

"Come in." She answered.

"Eggsy and i.. kissed." Alina said, excitedly.

"What?! No way!" Roxy basically screamed in excitement. "How did it happen?"

"I don't even know, one minute we was having this incredible hug, the next we're kissing! It was like a movie moment"

"Details." Roxy demanded, sitting them both down on the bed.

"Well, at first it was soft. Then the second time, it was more passionate." She smiled as Roxy celebrated.

"What does this mean?" She asked.

"I'm not sure, we haven't spoken about it." Alina spoke, soon interrupted by Merlin calling them, making them go into the main room.

"We're gonna take out one of Valentine's satellites. Using this.
We're gonna break the chain, stop the signal. It'll take him a couple of hours to reroute it... which buys us enough time for you two to get me into Valentine's mainframe..." Merlin spoke to Eggsy and Alina.

"Lancelot, you're going to be using it. Get into your halo suit." He spoke to Roxy.


"It seems the implant can emit some kind of counter signal... to ensure the wearer remains unaffected by the waves from the SIM cards." Merlin mumbled, staring at the device under a microscope.

"The waves that turn everyone into a psycho killer." Eggsy spoke up.

"Quite. But what he probably didn't tell anyone is it can also super heat their soft tissue at his command. Valentine selected his chosen few to get the countdown warning... but he had to be sure they didn't blab to the wrong people beforehand." Alina listend to Merlin's words closely.

"How does this help us right now?" Alina asked.

"It doesn't." He sighs.


"Roxy, here we go!" Merlin said, strapping her to the machine.

"The higher you go, the more the balloons expand. When you reach
the edge of the atmosphere they'll explode." Alina said to her, holding her hand in comfort.

"You'll need to deploy your missile just before that, okay?" She added.

"Edge of the atmosphere." Roxy repeated; but more nervously.

"And once you've deployed, you'll need to release for descent, fast. Good luck." Merlin spoke as they both got back on the plane.

"You can do this, okay?" Eggsy reassured the girl.

"Yeah. I can do this." She nervously reassured herself.

"Eggsy, come on. Time is not our friend." Merlin shouted Eggsy.

"You two getting in on Arthur's invitation. You're gonna need to blend in."

"I'm supposed to be Arthur?" Eggsy spoke up.

"And i'm supposed to be Arthur's what?" Alina asked.

"Wife." Merlin said, leaving Alina in disbelief.

"His invitation is in his phone.
You give them this. Give his real name, Chester King and Alice king."

"What about you?" Eggsy asked.

"I'm your pilot. I'm gonna stay
here." He replied, handing him a suit.

"Is that gonna fit me?"

"A bespoke suit always fits." Alina chimed in.

"Just be grateful Harry had it made for you." Merlin spoke.

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