04- The assult on both sides.

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But oh, how it feels so real
Lying here, with no one near
Only you and
you can hear me
When I say softly, slowly
Hold me closer, tiny dancer

-Tiny Dancer- Elton John

"Eggsy, just go, please, because he's gonna... No, please, don't hurt him!"

The audio recording picked up the painful sounds of Eggsy's mum, worried about the safety of her child.

As Alina listened, a wave of emotions washed over her. She surprisingly felt a sense of empathy and concern for Eggsy.

"Who was with you in that fucking pub? I want to know the names of the geezers you was with."

"This is it, This is when we become the not-so-secret, secret agency." Alina sarcastically spoke over to Harry as she flung herself back in a chair in the corner of Harry's office.

"I wasn't with no one!"

"Who was it"

"I don't know what you're on about."

"Who was it?"

"I don't know who you're fucking on about!"

"Fucking tell me their names!"

"You listen to me! I want to know who you was with in that pub. Do you understand? I want to know their fucking names! Because, I swear, I'll rip your head off. Tell me!"

Alina became more curious. She had no thought of him keeping that secret at first, but as time went on, her trust in him increased.

"I don't know what you're fucking on about!" Eggsy cried out.

"I could kill you right now... and no one in the whole world will notice!"

"But I would. I have enough evidence on your activities... to have you locked up for the rest of your life... Mr. Dean Anthony Baker." Harry finally perked up and the shouting stopped.

"Hi, Eggsy!" Alina cheerfully sang into the computer, finding herself hilarious.

"What the fuck?"

"So I suggest you leave the boy alone... or I shall be forced to deliver it to the appropriate authorities. Eggsy, meet me at the tailor I told you about." Harry quickly got up to make his way to the tailors.

"I'll meet you there." Alina called out to the rushed Harry.

"I've never met a tailor before. But I know you ain't one, Alina!" Eggsy joked through the mic, while panting heavily.

"Hey! I did say of sorts" She smiled.


"Ah, Alina." Merlin stopped her in her tracks. "Everything okay?"

"I think we have a lead with the case, while i check that out can you introduce the new candidates?" He asked.

"Yes of course." She smiled as he hurried off, Eggsy and Harry appearing around the corner.

"Good luck." Harry whispered to the boy as Alina hushed him into the room with all the other candidates.

"Fall in." Alina spoke, noticing how confused Eggsy was.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Alina. You are about to embark on what is probably the most dangerous job interview in the world. One of you, and only one of you, will become the next Lancelot."

"Can anybody tell me what this is?" Alina pointed down to a bag, then choosing a candidate at random.

"Body bag, Ms"

"Correct, Charlie." She smiled. "In a moment, you will each collect a body bag. You will write your name on that bag. You will write the details of your next of kin on that bag. This represents your acknowledgment of the risks that you are about to face, as well as your agreement to strict confidentiality. Which, incidentally, if you break, will result in you... and your next of kin... being in that bag. Is that understood?" Alina received nodding heads.

Again, she noticed Eggsy. his face was scrunched up by the information he was just given. Didn't look pleased at all.

"Excellent. Fall out."

Agent Alina- Eggsy unwin Where stories live. Discover now