03- Wheres Colin Firth when i need him the most?

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So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together.

-Skyfall- Adele


"What the fuck you doing here? You taking the piss?" A gang of men with angry expressions entered.

"Some more examples of young men who simply need a silver suppository?"

"No, they're exceptions. Come on." Eggsy's entire demeanour changed; he was no longer confident but instead afraid.

"Nonsense. We haven't finished our drinks."

"After you nicked his car... Dean says you're fair game. He don't give a shit what your mum says."

"You nicked his car?" Alina whispered over the table to the boy as he just nodded, Eggsy could tell by the expression on Alina's face that she was Judging his behaviour.

"ivory towers..." Eggsy proved his points from moments before with a playful manner. Alina laughing slightly at the irony.

"Listen, boys... I've had a rather emotional day... so whatever your beef with Eggsy is, and I'm sure it's well-founded... I'd appreciate it enormously if you could just leave us in peace until I finish this lovely pint of Guinness." Alina loved the way Harry was so sarcastic, it made her laugh.

"You should get out of the way, Granddad, or you'll get hurt and all." One of the boys spoke.

"And you, who's this? Your new squeeze Eggsy? She's pretty.. might have to borrow her." Another spoke with a creepy grin on his face, making Alina's blood boil.

"You two should just go." Eggsy looked over at the pair.

The two agree with Eggsy and begin to walk out of the pub, knowing the men were falling for their trick.

"Manners... Maketh... Man." Harry locked the doors after each word.

"Do you boys know what that means?" Alina smirked. "Then let us teach you a lesson."

"Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to fight?" Harry turned quickly and whipped an empty glass cup at one of the men.

Another guy lunged at Alina, but she swiftly dodged his punch and countered with a precise kick, sending him crashing to the ground. Harry, using his quick reflexes, took out another man with a series of calculated strikes.

Alina and Harry seamlessly coordinated their attacks, taking down the men one by one. Their synchronized movements was proof to their training and trust in each other.

Alina and Harry swiftly manoeuvred through the chaos, using their surroundings to their advantage. With their combined skills, they managed to get them all down, leaving Eggsy in awe.

"Sorry about that. Needed to let off a little steam. I heard yesterday a friend of ours died. He knew your father too, actually." Alina and Harry made their way back to the table to finish the rest of their drinks.

"Now, I do apologize, Eggsy. We shouldn't have done this in front of you." Harry signalled Alina to choose the amnesia setting on her watch.

"No, please! I won't say nothing, I swear! If there's one thing I can do, it's keep my mouth shut."

"You won't tell a soul?"

"Ask the feds. I've never grassed anyone up."

"Is that a promise?"

"On my life!" Harry motioned the girl to put down her arm, leaving her dumbfounded.

"Much appreciated, Eggsy. You're right about the snobs. But there, too, there are exceptions. Best of luck with everything."

As they both left the pub, Alina had a lot to say about Harry's choices.

"Harry, are you insane? You're really letting him walk away knowing about Kingsmsn?" She followed close behind him as they place themselves in the cab.

"We can't dismiss him without giving him a chance."

"Chance? You're basing this off of chance?!" She sighed. "we can't afford this type of risk."

"I hear you, Alina, but sometimes we have to take calculated risks."

"Well i don't believe this is calculated. It's just dumb-" Alina's point was cut short when a live audio recording of Eggsy linked to the car.

"Oh.. still, if anything goes wrong, it's on you." Harry smirked at the girl who was still trying to prove herself right.

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