14- Important Information: Valentine Isnt Happy.

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For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.

-My Way- Frank Sinatra


Eggsy made his way from the bathroom after dressing up in his new suit.

"Excuse my language but; fuck!" Alina gasped at the sight.

"Looking good, Eggsy."

"Feeling good, Merlin." He smiled.

Alina and Eggsy made their way out of the plane, Alina holding onto Eggsy's arm to play on being "the wife".

"Mr and Ms Chester King." He confidently spoke.

"Mr and Ms King, welcome. I'm sure you've adhered to Valentine's
strict no-weapons policy... but if you don't object..." The woman asked.

"Of course." Eggsy spoke back.

"Congratulations, Mycroft, you just graduated from my pilot to my valet." Eggsy joked up at Merlin.

"Understood?" He smiled as Merlin did the same.

"Eggsy, Alina. Find a laptop, get me online. The clock is ticking. And remember, try to blend in." Merlin spoke through the glasses as Eggsy and Alina made their way to the main room.

"So, you get to be my wife for the evening, don't get too attached." Eggsy joked over to Alina.

"Oh, i can't promise anything." She smirked over.

"Would sir care for a drink?"

"Martini. Gin, not vodka, obviously. Stirred for 10 seconds while glancing at an unopened bottle of vermouth."Alina smiled at Eggsy's words. He knew Harry's favourite drink.

"Just a glass of your best wine for me. Thank you." Alina smiled at the waiter.

"Merlin, are you clocking this?" Alina asked, looking up at the quarters where Valentine stood. The man that killed Harry.

"Yes, I am. Stay focused. Eggsy, get me online now."

"Yep, I'm on it. Wait here, darling." He obnoxiously spoke to Alina, obviously loving this Husband and wife thing way too much.

"Eggsy, I'm in. Get your arse back to the plane, now." Merlin spoke.

"Valentine! I've caught a fucking spy!" As Alina was fitting in, talking to a woman, she stopped in her tracks when she heard Charlie.

"Fuck.." She mumbled. "Could you kindly hold this wine for me." Alina spoke to the woman before getting ready to absolutely leg-it with Eggsy.

"Countdown initiated." A voice spoke on the intercom.

Merlin gave them instructions on where to go as the pair fought of every guard.

With adrenaline coursing through their veins, Alina and Eggsy exchanged a determined glance and silently communicated their plan. They knew that their only chance of survival was to fight their way through the guards and reach safety.

The duo swiftly moved down the dimly lit hallway, their footsteps barely making a sound. As the first guard approached, Alina swiftly incapacitated him with a swift kick, while Eggsy took out another guard with a precisely thrown knife.

The battle intensified as more guards closed in on them. Alina and Eggsy seamlessly coordinated their moves, using their extensive training to overcome the odds. They utilized their surroundings, using hidden passages and clever tactics to outmaneuver their enemies.

Bullets whizzed past them as they skillfully dodged and retaliated. The hallway became a battlefield, with guards falling one by one to the spies' expertise. Alina's precise marksmanship and Eggsy's acrobatic agility proved to be an unstoppable combination.

"Nice! Well done, all three of you." Merlin laughed.

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