12- Why Couldnt It be Mini-Golf.

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So, bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
And them good ol' boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin, "This'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die"

-American Pie- Don Mclean


They both rushed to the laptop, opening it to find Harry beating up every single person in the room.

"Oh god, i can't watch. Violence makes my stomach squirm." She spoke, pacing around the room.

"You're an agent but can't handle violence?" Eggsy questioned.

"Yes, it's gross." She added, holding her head in her hands.


The fighting finally stopped and Eggsy told her it was okay to watch now. She anxiously sat on Harry's office chair, sharing with Eggsy.

"What did you do to me? I had no control. I killed all those people.
I wanted to." Alina gasped. "Oh my god."

"Clever, isn't it? In simple terms,
it's a neurological wave that triggers the centers of aggression and switches off inhibitors"

"Transmitted through your nasty,
free SIM cards, I assume."

"Do you know what this is like?
It's like those old movies we both love. Now, I'm going to tell you
my whole plan... and then I'm going to come up with some absurd and convoluted way to kill you... and you'll find an equally convoluted way to escape."

"Sounds good to me."

"Well, this ain't that kind of movie." He spoke soon before shooting harry in the head. Alina's heart sank.

they witnessed Harry being shot by Valentine. It was a devastating sight that left them both feeling a mix of anger, sadness, and helplessness.

Tears welled up in Alina's eyes as she watched the video. They couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. Harry, their dear friend and ally, lay wounded, fighting for his life. It was a moment that shook Alina and Eggsy to the core.

Alina screamed, standing up from her seat.

"Tell me that wasn't real, Eggsy." She spoke as Eggsy stayed silent.

"Tell me they wasn't fucking real!" She screamed.

Alina feels a range of emotions. She is initially shocked and numb, but she begins to feel a wave of grief and anger.

She is grieving the loss of her uncle and partner. She feels a deep sense of injustice, and she is determined to make Valentine pay for what he has done.

Alina also feels a sense of responsibility. She knows that Harry would want her to continue their work, to fight for the things they both believed in. She is determined to honor his memory by avenging his death and protecting the world from its enemies.

She cried. That's all she could do.

"Alina." Eggsy spoke in a soft tone, getting down to the floor together as they both cried. They both lost a partner and colleague.


After hours of laying on Alina's sofa in comfortable silence, they were both snuggled in a blanket while Eggy held Alina, both thinking of the memories they shared with Harry.

"I need to get to Kingsman." Alina sniffled, her eyes puffy.

"Me too." Eggsy spoke as Alina finally lifted her head from his chest.

"Why?" She asked.

"I need to speak to Author. You go to Merlin, check if he's okay." She nodded as they both got up to jump in the cab to head to the tailors.

Agent Alina- Eggsy unwin Where stories live. Discover now