06- Hallelujah, My Ass.

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If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory of how they were answered by you

-Times in a Bottle- Jim Croce


It was the next day, the next mission for the candidates wasn't for a few hours and Alina had finished her paperwork.

She strolled around the mansion's grounds, a thousand thoughts were racing through her mind. Up until someone tapped her shoulder and silenced them.

"Eggsy, you scared me." She smiled at him, both walking side by side.

"How are you getting on?"

"Yeah good.. it's just the others.. they are massive pricks." Eggsy giggled, half joking.

"Their behavior says more about them than it does about you." She sent the boy a comforting smile.

"It feels like I'm always on the outside looking in."

"I understand how that feels, i really do. But don't let it bother you, You have qualities that make you unique and valuable."

"Ay, you think i'm valuable, do you?" Eggsy sends over a cheeky smile while playfully pushing into her, making Alina giggle slightly.

"Alina, i've been looking for you- It's about harry.." Merlin looked worried.

Alina's heart dropped.

"We're not sure what happened, but he's in a coma. Though we have hope, we just don't know if that'll be enough..." Merlin did his best to give Alina a hug of comfort.

Alina felt devastated and heartbroken, not knowing if her uncle would ever wake up. Everyone was filled with worry and sadness, constantly hoping for positive news and desperately longing for Harry's recovery.

The uncertainty of the situation weighed heavily on their hearts, leaving them feeling upset and anxious.


"His MRI shows no signs of concussion. No direct brain trauma at all." Merlin, Author and Alina all stood around Harry's bed.

"How much longer can he be out?"

"That's the million-dollar question. We don't know"

"what he was exposed to in there. What about Harry's footage?" Alina asked.

"It didn't stream to his home terminal. Encrypted and uncrackable. If and when he comes around... you might want to have a word with him about sharing his password." Merlin turned to a worried-looking Alina.

Eggsy entered, he shared Alina's anxious appearance. She was doing her best not to cry, so he comforted her by holding an arm over her.

"Is he gonna be all right?"

"We need to have patience, Eggsy.
But there's hope, okay? If I were you, I'd concentrate on your training. Make it through the tests. Make him proud." Merlin's words to Eggsy tipped her over the edge, but she didn't want to show any venerability to the others.

She quickly left, entering her own room and locking the door.

After a few hours, Merlin asked her to join him with the candidates.

"I apologise about what happened earlier; I realise it wasn't very professional." Alina smiled over at him as they both made their way down the hall.

"Don't worry about it." He smiled back, taking her into a side hug.


"teamwork is paramount here at Kingsman. We're here to enhance your skills, test you to the limit. Which is why you're gonna pick a puppy." Merlin speaks.

"Wherever you go, your dog goes.
You will care for it. You will teach it. And by the time it's fully trained, so will you be. Those of you who are still here, that is." Alina added.

"Choose your puppy."

Alina made her way down the stairs after the candidates were able to go back to their room.

"A pug?" Alina smiled down at the puppy by Eggsy's feet.

"It's a bulldog, innit?"

"No, Eggsy." She giggled at his foolish behaviour.

"It'll get bigger, though, won't it?"

"I'll let you find that one out." She spoke, sarcastically.

"So are you and Harry related?" He questioned, sitting next to Alina who already made herself comfortable on the stairs.

"Yeah, he's my uncle but.. he brought me up after my parents.." She couldn't finish the sentence.

"I can't help but wonder what it was like for them, balancing their missions with their relationship. It must have been intense." Alina smiled sadly.

"Harry tells me stories all the time about how they would communicate through secret codes. Their love added an extra layer of excitement to their missions."

"My mums tells me that my dad used to say that love was their secret weapon. It gave him the strength to face any danger and the motivation to protect my mum." Eggsy added, relating with her.

"Your dad seemed really great." Alina smiled at the boy, taking his hand in her.

"I just find it incredible how my parents love story intertwined with their spy lives. They were partners in every sense of the word, both on and off the field." Alina was just speaking her mind, she liked how Eggsy made her feel comfortable enough to do that.

"And who knows, maybe one day we'll find a love like theirs. A partner who understands the thrill of the mission and stands by our side through it all." Eggsy smirked.

"Yeah, it's a beautiful thought. But for now, you need to focus on your training." Alina giggled over at the boy, giving his hand back to him.

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