15- Why Do I Do This?!

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Birds flying high, you know how I feel
Sun in the sky, you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life For me
And I'm feeling good

-Feeling Good- Michael Bublé


"Let's get the fuck out of here!" Eggsy huffed, shoving himself down on one of the seats.

"We can't. I can't get into Valentine's machine. He's got biometric security. You're gonna have to get in there and make
sure his hand never touches that desk." Merlin speaks as Alina groans at his words.

"Are you taking the fucking piss?" Eggsy spoke.

"I'm afraid not." Merlin said.

"Let's have that then." Eggsy requested the gun Merlin was holding.

"This is mine. I'll show you yours." Merlin took them both to the weapons cabinet. Alina choosing a standard gun as Eggsy chooses the Umbrella.

"Good choice." Alina smiles at him.

Alina and Eggsy run back into the main room, more guards kept piling through although they did their best to stop them.

Eggsy protecting Alina by placing the umbrella to her face, stopping any shots from hitting their faces as the umbrella starts to brake.

"Eggsy, Alina. Valentine's using
someone else's satellite. He's going to reconnect the chain. It's going to take him no time at all. It's at 20 percent."

"Eggsy, Alina, it seems Valentine's got a present for you. Get a move on!" Merlin spoke.

"Better said than done, Merlin!" Alina spoke into the glasses as she killed as many guards as she could, not looking at what she was shooting as she couldn't bare to look at blood pouring from their bodies.

The two stood side by side, their backs against a cold, metal door. They could hear the heavy footsteps of their pursuers approaching, getting closer and closer. They knew that their time was running out.

"Merlin, Were fucked." Eggsy spoke, grabbing ahold of Alina's hand. Alina thought this was when she was gonna die, she wanted to kiss him passionately one last time.

And so she did.

She turned to look at him, his eyes filled with love and longing. She cupped his face in her hands and leaned in, kissing him softly at first. But the kiss quickly deepened, becoming more passionate and urgent.

They kissed as if their lives depended on it, as if it was the last kiss they would ever share. They poured all of their love and desire into the kiss, savoring every second.

In the back of their minds, they knew that they were going to die. But in that moment, all that mattered was the two of them and their love for each other.

The kiss was a final act of defiance, a way of saying to the world that their love was more powerful than death. It was a way of saying goodbye to each other and to the life they had shared.

As the footsteps got closer, the two lovers pulled away from each other, their eyes locked. They knew that it was the end. But they also knew that their love would last forever.

"Rox, I need a favor. Call my mum. Tell her to lock herself away from Dean. And the baby...
and tell her I love her." Eggsy sadly spoke into the glasses as Alina cupped his face, until his eyes lit up.

"Merlin, remember those implants you said were of no use to us? Any chance you can turn them on?" Eggsy smiled and so did Alina. They had a chance to get out of here.

"Eggsy. You're fucking amazing." Alina smiled as she pecked his lips.

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