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Hello! I just wanna say this is will be my first original story and also my first novel.

Enjoy the story!






There were a lot of music sheets laying on the ground, and beside them there was a girl with a frustrated face and her long messy wavy brown hair just looking at the music sheets with a guitar in her hands. Irene Williams, the 23 years old girl just tore and crumple hard a couple of her music sheets with a lot of doodles there and a loud sighs coming from her. She got up and put her guitar on the floor, then went to the kitchen for a cup of ice water due to the hot summer weather that hit California recently. She just stares out the window and sees the sky without the clouds. She is breathing hard because she is mad at herself because she didn't get any writing idea for her new song. While she was just zoned out in front of the window, she heard the front door open and that her roommate, Olivia, had just arrived from her morning class. "Are you already taking a bath this morning? It's almost evening, clever girl." Olivia just put her stuff from her class on the dining table and took a glass of cool water from the fridge. "Olivia, I already took a bath this morning, look at my hair" she touched her hair in front of Olivia, "my hair is still a little bit wet after I dried it with a hair dryer," and she said, "I bet that is your actual sweats babe," and making Olivia giggle at her own statement as she opens the fridge again to see what food they can eat for dinner and finds just canned food and bread inside the chiller while Irene sipped her water and did the side eyes to her, then she just said, "Let's get lunch on that diner across here, shall we? I'm so hungry, and also don't get your music sheets flying in your head like right now," Olivia said, gliding on Irene's right arm. "Okay, I'll change my clothes first and don't you dare touch my music sheets, Olivia." Irene went to her room and changed her pajamas into her casual clothes for this summer.

She looked at the mirror and mumbled to herself, "I should get new inspiration for the next song and talk to Joe for the melody. Get it together, Irene, you can do it. Don't stress out yourself." Irene comes out of her room with her black sling bag, and she wears her rounded glasses.

"Oh, you don't wear your contact lenses, it's hot outside, Irene."

"Well, I just want to wear my glasses because I don't wear any makeup except for my lips, I just want to hide this horrible face." Olivia walked to Irene and hugged her, saying, "Hey, you are so pretty even without any makeup on, you should see how pretty it is. Okay, let's go I'm freaking hungry because of my sudden test today."

They just walked out of their apartment unit, and Irene saw a lot of big boxes next to their apartment unit. "I think someone just moved in next to our apartment maybe that's why this morning I saw the moving truck hanging around our neighbor." Olivia is looking at Irene with her finger pointing at the boxes.

As they get out of their apartment building, suddenly Irene asks Olivia to go somewhere. "Olivia, can we go to the bookstore on the block? I want to see what new book just arrived. " Of course you can, dear and I also want to see if they have a discount books." As they walk to the bookstore, they see a lot of cameras near the coffee shop where Irene usually goes to hang out with her friends. Olivia is curious about the large number of paparazzi in that coffee shop because that is unusual for their neighborhood, which doesn't have any famous people living in it nor someone famous who actually stops by. Irene sees who the paparazzi are waiting for, he is kind of familiar to her because she watches a lot of movies in Hollywood. She recognizes that person. He is an actor from her favorite film last year, so she knows who he is but is very confused why he is hanging around in this neighborhood.

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