Eighteen (part 1)

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Irene's schedule in the morning is already very busy for interviews on several radio stations in New York City. Olivia suddenly became Irene's second manager. She helped Irene and Rachel to make Irene's schedule on time and not overlap with other things. They were already in the car for a trip to a famous radio station in New York City. Irene saw the atmosphere of the city she had visited for the first time, lots of people passing by on the streets of New York City, many places to eat lining up the streets of New York, the streets. It's also busy with cars, taxis and bicycles all over the streets. 

"It's still early in the morning but I can already feel the traffic jam, but it is still better than in Jakarta," said Irene to Olivia. 

Olivia asked, "Oh, is the traffic jam worse there than here?" Irene nodded, "That's right, even when I was at school, I had to wake up early to avoid traffic jams in the morning." 

Olivia frowned "What a pity, does it have to be that early?" Irene answered "yes, the sun hasn't even risen yet, because I went to school at half past seven in the morning" 

Olivia's face was shocked to hear Irene's story, "what?! I was still sleeping at that time when I went to school" Irene just shrugged her shoulders "yes it's like that there" then they arrived at their destination "come on, we've arrived" said Rachel and they got out of the car and headed to the New York City radio station. 

Irene also promoted her song on radio and they asking about the meaning of her song. Irene answered it, "the song Bad Styles is about loving someone not just looking at the way they dress or style, even if they have a bad style of dressing like I do but you can still love them just the way they are." they asked again, "which city or part of the country does Irene really want to visit?" and she answered "Texas, because my father is from Texas, so I really want to see my father's hometown." Irene also promoted her mini concert with her own bandmates. They had been practicing for several weeks before they told them there was a mini concert, Irene was very excited because this is her first mini concert.

After finishing with the radio station, Irene was immediately taken to the car to go straight to the Good Morning America television station to appear as a guest and return to promoting songs and mini concerts. Today's schedule made Irene a little tired and after filming for television, they all went straight to a restaurant that served special Indonesian food, because Rachel asked for it to make Irene not tired anymore. 

"Let's go to eat, I know both of you have been hungry since this early morning" Olivia and Irene were already sprawled in the back seat and they just mumbled in response to Rachel's question. They arrived at a restaurant that looked modern from the outside, they all immediately got out of the car to eat at the restaurant. 

"Oh? It turns out there is an Indonesian restaurant here, finally I can eat my favorite food again," said Irene while looking at the restaurant. They entered the restaurant which turned out to be busy, Irene saw that several of the restaurant guests were Indonesian, the three of them and the driver sat in the corner of the restaurant but could still see the atmosphere of the restaurant. the waiter handed them a menu, "Irene, do you want to order for all of us?" said Rachel, Olivia was still looking at the menu book, "Okay, I know you don't like food that is too spicy" while reading the menu book, Irene called the waiter to start ordering. "Do you want to order?" asked the waiter, Irene answered "yes, can I have one rawon, one chicken satay, one oxtail soup and one penyet chicken with rice but the chili sauce should not be too spicy and put the chili sauce on the side, for drinks four sweet iced teas and one plain mineral water, thank you, oh each rice for each food please" The waiter took down all of Irene's orders and took the menu book back from them. Olivia even looked so stunned when she saw Irene ordering all of the foods, "is that too much sis?" asked Olivia, Irene shaking her head "no, I think it's the perfect amount of food" They waited for their food and when it arrived they ate all the food ordered by Irene, it seemed they were satisfied with the food for this afternoon. A waiter came to Irene's table and asked Irene to sign an autograph and take a photo together, they spoke Indonesian which Olivia and Rachel didn't understand. 

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