Twenty Seven (part 2)

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After finishing eating, it turned out that Stefan just found out that Irene had a car, but he didn't have time to get an international driver's license because it conflicted with his schedule, "What if I drive the car? Rachel can sit in the back and enjoy her day," said Stefan to the two women in front of him. "That means you can take me home first, right?" said Rachel while giving the car keys to Stefan, "just direct the way, your majesty" while holding back laughter and taking Irene's hand to her car, they got into the car with Stefan opening the front passenger door for Irene, then the girl got into the car, "thank you Stefan". Stefan got in, started the car and put on his seat belt, "are you ready? I wish there is no traffic here" while glancing at the girl beside him who was fastening her seat belt, "you'll see it babe" says Irene and Rachel added "you'll see what I've been going through the traffic in this city for the past few years mr. workaholic" Stefan looked at Rachel in the rear view mirror then said "I told you not to call me that name" Rachel just smiled mischievously "that name suits you because you work all the time" Stefan started his car and started driving the car, "I'm working for my future too Rach and later the money will also be for her so it's not strange that I've been working continuously for the past few years." Irene looked at Stefan with a face that looked like she had been caught taking something from Stefan, "what do you mean?" Stefan smiled like a Cheshire cat without looking at the girl, "As I said earlier, it's for my future."

Stefan saw Irene turn on the car radio and heard her song being played on a radio station in New York, "that's your song, right iubi?"ask Stefan to her and she answer "yes babe, that's last year song I've made it in here" During the trip, Stefan listened carefully to Irene's song, so that in the car there was only the sound of Irene's song, "Why does the song sound like you're asking whether he loves you or not?" Stefan's question made Irene pause for a moment and answered "I made up the words three years ago but I was only able to use them last year" making Stefan not ask again and just nodding his head at Irene's words and Rachel said, "after this you turn right and there will be an orange building on the right, that's my father's apartment" Stefan looked at Rachel through the front rearview mirror and answered, "ok Rach" he turned right and there was indeed an orange building on the right side of the road, "that's the building" Stefan stopped in front of the building and before Rachel got off he said "I'm giving Irene time off so you two can spend time together, be careful on your way" then Rachel got out of the car, "accept Thank you Rach, I finally have a day off." Then after Rachel closed the door, Stefan immediately driving to Irene's apartment, "Where is the way to your apartment from here?"

Irene also told Stefan, "My apartment is on 6th avenue, so maybe half an hour from here."

"I know that street, I'll drive there"

"by the way, where do you stay?"

"at hotel near broadway theater, I just get that hotel a day before I went to see you here"

"oh, maybe you should stay at my apartment babe, why you stay at the hotel?"

On the way there was a red light and Stefan braked the car.

"I want to stay at the hotel, I don't want to bother you"

Irene gives him a sad face "no, you'll never bother me babe, maybe you should take your bag and stay at my place instead"

the green light up and then Stefan drive back her car

"are you sure iubi ?"

"yes! that's my command for you, sir"

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