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OIKAWA HAD EARNED A reputation for the powerful and accurate jumping serve in the anime series, and the opponent's team was well-acquainted with its level of potency.

Walter had also dedicated significant time and effort to honing his jumping serve, which had proven to be one of his most important assets in the first game.

The current moment was pivotal to the fate of the match, as Oikawa prepared to showcase his skills and attempt to seal the victory for his team.

Oikawa had the capacity to analyze his opponent's formation and quickly deduce the most vulnerable points of attack.

In addition, he had the intelligence to anticipate the strategies of the opposing team leaders, such as Kageyama's tactics for targeting Tsukishima and Hinata during the serve.

As a result, it was highly likely that he would aim at these key individuals when executing his serve, aiming to exploit their exposed weaknesses in order to score a crucial point.

However, Walter's presence potentially nullified Oikawa's ability to target Tsukishima.

With strong reactions and a willingness to quickly intervene, Walter could likely prevent any serve targeted at Tsukishima from making contact with the ball.

If Oikawa wanted to score through the serve, he would need to aim his attack elsewhere, away from Tsukishima's protective shield.

"Where should you put your send it?"

Coach Nobuteru had sufficient information to assess the potential of Walter's interference and recognized how Oikawa would be forced to adjust his targeting strategy accordingly.

In response, he posed a pertinent question regarding the possible destination of the upcoming serve, as he anticipated that Oikawa would employ a different approach when selecting his target.

This indicated that Walter's presence could substantially influence his opponent's thinking and limit Oikawa to alternative options that avoided a direct confrontation.

Considering the formidable skill and versatility of the Karasuno team's main attacker, it was apparent that he posed a formidable threat regardless of the role he fulfilled.

His impressive ability to successfully receive the ball placed him among the most reliable members of the team, even in a hostile defensive front. This aspect was likely to incite Oikawa's competitive nature and urge him to attack the key player via his serve.

Upon encountering a direct confrontation with Walter, the two parties shared a mutual understanding and exchanged smiles, conveying their anticipation of an intense matchup.

"So, this is the challenge you prepared for me, huh? Interesting..."

Oikawa's strategy was clear as the ball was delivered through his jump serve. The goal of his serve was Tsukishima, one of Karasuno's most formidable players, who had a reputation for being a formidable defender.

Walter, aware of this intent, swiftly reacted and retreated, anticipating the oncoming attack.

Yet, instead of allowing the serve to reach him, he utilized his reflexes to intercept the ball at precisely the correct moment, successfully receiving it and demonstrating exceptional skill in the process.

"I got it"

Kageyama responded to the successful reception of the serve with a satisfied response.

The fact that he had not witnessed Oikawa's serve did not matter to him, as he was simply pleased to have the ball in their possession.

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