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WASHIJO TANJI, the head coach of Shiratorizawa of the team, sat in his seat with clenched fists, his eyes radiating with a longing glow.

As he watched the play unfold on the court below, his thoughts turned to the player who had just unleashed a powerful smash.

"Height, Strength," he whispered to himself, admiration filling his voice.

"Such a perfect player. Why go to that kind of team?"

He shook his head, a look of disappointment crossing his face.

"I must make you change your mind," he muttered, determination in his eyes.

Mitsuda Takeru was seated in the audience, watching the game with a mix of awe and concern.

As he watched Walter dominate the court, his facial expression turned to one of shock.

"A team with only one person to hold up is not ok!" he exclaimed.

Daisuke Kunimura, who was sitting next to him, looked at him with a look of confusion on his face. "What's wrong?" he asked, not understanding what Mitsuda was referring to.

Arata Mitsuda took a deep breath and continued, "Walter is too good. He's like a monster out there. He's carrying the entire team on his back, and it's just not going to work in the long run. They need more balanced play."

Daisuke looked back at the court and saw Walter still giving his all, seemingly able to hold up the entire team on his own.

Even Daisuke, who had always been known for his athletic prowess, was impressed by Walter play.

"I guess you're right," he said finally. "They do need more balance. But Walter is something else."


AS THE GAME PROGRESSED, Shiratorizawa's continued to struggle against Walter dominance on the court.

Kageyama was quick on his feet, making unexpected turns and strikes that left his opponents grasping at air.

In a desperate attempt to stop him, the players screamed out their strategy to each other, hoping to come up with something that would work.

"Left! Straight line!" one of them yelled, hoping to take Walter by surprise. Another member of the team chimed in, "Stop him! Do whatever it takes!"

But their efforts were futile. With a powerful smash, Walter sent the ball flying towards the opposite end of the court, leaving the defense in disbelief.

As the ball hit the back wall, the sound of the net rippled through the arena, the audience's shouts of excitement echoing in the background.

The game continued, with Walter and the other players giving their all to emerge victorious. It was a tight but exhilarating match, leaving even the players and spectators on the edge of their seats.

As the game progressed, the two teams traded points back and forth, the pendulum of momentum swinging back and forth.

Every time one team gained the upper hand, the other would come roaring back, giving their all to take back control of the game.

It was a fierce battle, with both sides giving it their all. Shiratorizawa, with their formidable defense, presented a tough challenge for Kageyama, and the others, with their powerful and precise spiking, had to fight tooth and nail to keep pace.

As the game reached its culmination, the teams began to rotate their personnel, ensuring that their strongest players were on the court during crucial moments.

When Ushijima Wakatoshi, a key member of Shiratorizawa's defense, was rotated to the back row, Kageyama, the driving force behind Walters attacks, was about to be rotated as well.

The players of Shiratorizawa breathed a sigh of relief, sensing that the game may be turning in their favor.

But they were not yet out of the woods, as Walter powerful spikes and precise placement continued to give them trouble, forcing them to remain on their toes until the final moments of the game.

As for Walter in the front row, Ushijima's has the unique ability to bypass his block and strike at the heart of the opposition's defense.

Other attackers have found the challenge of getting past the black and scoring against Walter to be a daunting task.

Walter blocked formation allows him to shut down both the straight and diagonal lines of attack. The only option for opponents is to attempt a difficult overhand or underhand spike shot, but this is often met with effective defense from the team's back row.

The key to Ushijima Wakatoshi ability to score consistently is his exceptional skill and strength.

Few players have the ability to match his precise spiking technique and brute force, which often prove to be too much for ordinary players to handle.

When in top form, he is an unstoppable force that crushes opponents' hopes and dreams.

His height and stature also play a significant role in his ability to dominate the court.

By standing taller than his opponents, he can attack the ball from a higher position and generate more power.

His strength also allows him to smash the ball with a greater degree of force and precision than most other players, making him a fearsome opponent to face on the court.

Few opponents can match Ushijima's skill with the ball, let alone his ability to improvise on the fly.

If he were to choose a particular hitting pattern or move, his opponents might be able to adapt and defend, but his power and skill make it nearly impossible to stop him.

Even a slight error in his timing or technique can result in him hitting from the wrong angle, making it easier for defenders in the back row to stop him.

This is why it is crucial for him to execute his hits perfectly, with maximum power, to have any chance of scoring.

Without the net in his way, Shiratorizawa's scoring speed will be several times faster. When he is in full flow, he can attack from any angle, with power and precision.

His ability to hit the ball with such force and accuracy makes him a formidable opponent, one that is difficult to match.

As the match goes on, his adrenaline mounts, and he becomes even more intense and focused.

Every point feels like a matter of life or death, and it is during these moments that he is at his most dangerous.

His opponents are under immense pressure to prevent him from scoring, and the tension in the air is palpable.

But his teammates are not immune to his intensity either. As they watch Ushijima in action, they can not help but be inspired, realizing that he is capable of greatness that they can only aim to emulate.

Their respect for him grows with each point, and they feel an added determination to perform at their best, knowing that they must be at their most focused if they hope to bring him victory.

In the end, it is this combination of individual and team effort that makes Ushijima so dangerous and difficult to beat.

"Come on!!"

"Everyone, let's go,"


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