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AT THE GYM'S ENTRANCE, Karasuno and Nekoma's players gathered, ready for the critical training match set to transpire. Ukai Keishin and Manabu Naoi, the two coaches, acknowledged each other with friendly greetings, expressing their anticipation for the upcoming encounter.

The stakes of the battle between the old rivals were evident in the anticipation and fervor of both squads.

"Come on, Ukai, it's been eight years. What's with that same hairstyle?"

As the coaches greeted one another, the two old rivals immediately began sparring verbally, demonstrating their familiarity and closeness.

"I could say the same for you, Naoi. You haven't changed in the slightest."

They exchanged playful insults and remarks, showing their mutual affection and regard. However, behind their friendly and humorous demeanor, a hint of the intensity and significance of the upcoming match was evident.

"Hey, Keishin! It's been a while since I last saw you."

As the two friends talking to one another, Coach Yasafumi Nekomata's familiar appearance caught Keishin off-guard, causing him to laugh abruptly, likening Nekomata to his grand

"You look so much like your old geezer of a grandfather."

Upon seeing him, Ukai quickly showed deep respect to his traditional opponent. While the friendly banter and familiar rapport between the seasoned coaches was notable, the admiration and respect they still maintained for one another displayed the significance of the impending match.

In the midst of the preparations, the coaching staff for both sides engaged in light banter, demonstrating their amicable interactions.

"My name's Takeda. Thank you for your time and commitment to playing against us today."

Coach Takeda acknowledged that he repeatedly urged Nekomata to agree to the sparring match, which Nekomata jokingly claimed had left him with no choice.

"It's not too much of a problem that you have been calling me repeatedly. Let's say, I had no other choice but to comply."

"I'm sorry..."

"Hahaha....I-I was just joking. We have played some tough practice matches in the last few days. Rest assured, we will do our best today."

The friendly banter between the two coaches revealed the mutual respect and positive relationship that the respective coaching staff shared. The mutual anticipation regarding the upcoming match added an extra layer of excitement to the mood around the gym.

"Even though my opponent isn't that geezer Ukai, I'll show no mercy."

In a playful exchange, Nekomata sensei hinted that he would be ruthless in the upcoming training matchup, suggesting that despite dealing with a different coach, he would not hesitate to deliver a resounding blow.

"I can assure you, Coach Nekomata; you will not regret your decision to come here today. The Karasuno team this year has several budding talents in the wings who will certainly capture your attention."

When Takeda sensei promised the rival coach that this year's Karasuno squad would feature several interesting newcomers, he offered a teaser of what was to come during their upcoming showdown.

The anticipation of witnessing these intriguing youngsters in the match was evident in Nekomata's keen gaze as he observed Karasuno's warm-up.


AS THE MATCH COMMENCED, with a whistle signaling the beginning of play, the two old rivals clashed, demonstrating their deep knowledge and experience gained over the years of rivalry.

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