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KIYOKO AND WALTER continued to chat and bond over their love of reading, discussing their favorite genres, authors, and books. They exchanged recommendations and discussed their thoughts on different stories. Walter was impressed with Kiyoko's knowledge of literature and her passion for books, and Kiyoko enjoyed having someone to talk to about her interests.

As they continued to walk, Walter noticed a new bookstore across the street and suggested they stop in to browse. Kiyoko was hesitant to enter, as she was shy and not used to being in unfamiliar places. Walter sensed her hesitation and gave her a reassuring smile, which helped to calm her nerves. They entered the store and were immediately struck by the cozy atmosphere and the aroma of fresh coffee.

The store was small, but packed with books on every subject imaginable. Kiyoko and Walter split up and went their separate ways, each searching for books that caught their eye. After a while, they met up again and discussed the books they had found. Walter was impressed with Kiyoko's taste in literature and the breadth of her knowledge, while Kiyoko was intrigued by Walter's passion for the game of volleyball.

The two of them spent the next few hours walking around the store, browsing, chatting, and enjoying each other's company. Finally, Walter noticed the time and realized it was getting late. He apologized to Kiyoko for taking up so much of her time and suggested they exchange contact information so they could continue their conversation. Kiyoko readily agreed, and the two of them parted ways, both feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for what was to come.

Kiyoko and Walter continue to explore the bookstore, each lost in their own world of thoughts and interests. Kiyoko notices a section dedicated to poetry and starts flipping through the pages of a few books, stopping to read a few lines that catch her eye. Meanwhile, Walter browses the history section, curious about Japan's past and its relevance to the modern-day sport of volleyball.

After a while, Kiyoko wanders over to Walter and asks him what he's looking for.

"I'm curious about the history of Japan and how it's influenced the sport of volleyball," Walter explains.

"I find it fascinating how volleyball has grown in popularity here and how it's become such a cultural phenomenon."

Kiyoko nods, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"I feel the same way about the history of poetry. To me, poetry is a way of capturing the essence of life and expressing it in a timeless way. It's like a window into the experiences of people from the past, and it makes me feel connected to them in some way."

Walter nods in agreement, and the two of them start to debate the merits of different types of poetry, ranging from haiku to free verse. They discuss their favorite poets and why they resonate with them. Kiyoko reveals that her favorite poet is Emily Dickinson, whose words she finds deeply powerful and evocative.

Walter thinks for a moment before sharing his favorite poet, William Shakespeare. He admits that he's always been drawn to Shakespeare's plays, especially the way they seem to capture the essence of the human experience in a timeless way. Kiyoko nods, her eyes widening in appreciation.

"I know exactly what you mean. There's something about Shakespeare's work that feels like it resonates with everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from. It's a testament to his talent as a writer."

Their conversation continues, and they find themselves losing track of time as they debate the merits of various writers, from George Orwell to Ernest Hemingway to Toni Morrison. Kiyoko and Walter continue to talk long into the night, their shared passion for literature and the power of words driving their conversation. As the store closes up and the lights dim, Kiyoko and Walter realize how late it's gotten and decide it's time to call it a night.

But as they part ways, both of them know that their encounter in the bookstore has sparked a connection that is deeper

"Hey, Shimizu, do you want to grab some food with me?" Walter asked, looking over at her.

Shimizu looked up from her book and smiled.

"Sure, im already starving" she replied.

"There's this great burger place near here that I've been wanting to try. Shall I make a reservation?" Walter offered.

"Sounds perfect." Shimizu said, grabbing her bag and standing up.

They made their way to the burger place, chatting and laughing along the way. When they got there, Walter made the reservation and the two of them took a seat at a booth. The restaurant was cozy and the food was delicious. They talked about their interests, their hopes and dreams, and everything in between.

As they finished their meal, Walter looked across the table at Shimizu and smiled. He couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected connection. And he couldn't wait to see where it would take them next.

Shimizu House

Kiyoko entered her house and she

Kiyoko's mother notices the flush on her face and asks, "Is something wrong, Kiyoko?"

Kiyoko takes a deep breath and hesitantly responds, "I spent the day with Walter."

Her mother reacts with surprise, "With Walter?"

Kiyoko nods her head, "Yeah, we went to a restaurant. He paid for the meal, too."

Her mother smiles, "You went on your first date, and he paid for everything. What a gentleman!"

Kiyoko's face turns an even deeper shade of red, "Mom!!! It'd not a date we just went on a restaurant."

"Did he pay the meal?"


"You just went to your first date."

Kiyoko just blushes ever harder at the realization.

"Mom! Walter and I are just friends."

"You have good eyesight. Next time, invite Walter to visit us again."

"Mom!!" Kiyoko blushed even more and more.

Her mother's eyes light up, "Well, I hope it goes well. You're such a beautiful and smart girl, and I want you to be happy."

Meanwhile, Walter sits in his library, reading the book he purchased earlier at the bookstore. As he reads, he can't stop thinking about Kiyoko. He imagines their future together, traveling the world, and making memories together.

"I need to see her again," he thinks to himself. He decides to go over to Kiyoko's house, hoping to run into her and ask her. As he steps out of his mansion, he sees Kiyoko's mother heading towards him with a determined look on her face.

"Excuse me, Walter," she says. "Walter I want to invite you over for dinner tomorrow night. My husband and I would love to get to know you better."

Walter couldn't believe his luck. He happily accepted the invitation and looked forward to spending more time with Kiyoko and her family. As he headed back to his mansion, he couldn't stop smiling, knowing that he might have just found the love of his life.


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