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"I can't believe that we're starting college." Hannah said with excitement as we were seated in the park eating street food for dinner.

"I know, it's crazy." Lucy added.

"I wish Jake and Phillip didn't move away." Hannah frowned.

"Yeah, it's not going to be the same without them." I said.

"So how are things going between you and Jake?" Cody asked Hannah.

"Well, it's been great. I'm just sad that we won't get to see each other as much anymore." She says. "I wanted to go to college with him, but I also didn't want to be that girl who follows his boyfriend to college, you know?"


I take a French-fry and shove it into my mouth. I couldn't help but feel as though Hannah had just thrown shade at Grayson and I. I mean, part of me did decide to go to college in the city of Los Angeles because I knew that Grayson had wanted to go to university here with my brother. But, at least I didn't choose to go to the exact same school as him.

"I am so not ready for classes to start." Cody groaned.

"Me neither." I say before shoving another fry into my mouth.

Lucy begins ranting on about her new roommate when Grayson reaches over and steals one of my fries.

"Hey! Get your own fries." I groaned.

"Why would I do that when my boyfriend has plenty to share?" He takes another.

"I was thinking, maybe you and I could do something?" He asked.

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrows. "Like what?"

"There's this cool late-night museum across town, I thought it would be nice."

A museum? Really?

"That sounds perfect." I forced a smile.

I didn't want to be rude and tell him that I was tired and that all I wanted to do was head back to my room and fall asleep.

"Should we get going?" I asked.

"Sure." He says, standing up.

"Where are you guys headed?" Mitchell asked.

"We're going to a museum." I smiled. Again, it's forced.

"Aw, that's so cute." Lucy cooed.

I rolled my eyes at them.

"We will see you guys later." I said before Grayson takes my hand in his and we start walking away.

"Bye, have fun!" Called Hannah.

'Cause nothing says fun like a late-night museum.

Let's hope it's not another erotic themed one...


"I'm going to head back to campus." Says Hannah.

"Yeah, I need to make sure my dumbass roommate didn't mess with my Pokémon collection." Cody says, standing up and walking in the direction of his school.

"Uh, do.. do you have to head back too?" Mitchell asked me.

I smile sheepishly before replying to him. "I think I can stay out past curfew."

"You have a curfew in college?" He asked.

I giggled. "It's a joke."

"Oh. Right." He smiled.

Loving Grayson ✓ (Book 2, the Hating Series)Where stories live. Discover now