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Christmas Day
Last Year (Part 2)


"Uh, why do you have a limo on Christmas?" I asked Lucy as I sat uncomfortably opposite to her.

"The real question is: Why don't you?" She quipped, taking a relaxed sip from her glass of champagne—at least, I assume it's champagne. Perhaps it is cider?

I chuckled at her retort before easing into a more comfortable position.

"How was Christmas with the Scott family?" She asked.

"Well...." I started. "Honestly, it sucked. Everyone ignored me." I tell her.

"Even Grayson?"

"Especially Grayson... though, I suppose that's my fault."

"Why?" She eyed me curiously.

"Uh... I told him I didn't want anyone to know about us... which meant that we couldn't be all romantic in front of his family." I say. "But I am pretty sure he told his cousin."

"How did I not know that Grayson Scott had a cousin?" She queried.

"Oh, he had multiple cousins." I corrected. "And they're all pretty annoying."

"Wait, so Grayson told his cousin about you guys? Even though you asked him not to tell anyone?" She asked.

"Yeah. How else would he have found out? Grayson and I had barely spoken." I stated.

"Maybe he's a psychic?" Lucy mused. After a moment, her eyes light up. "I just had this crazy idea...."

"What is it?" I almost didn't dare to ask.

"We should see a psychic!" She suggested.

"Girl, it's Christmas." I stated.

"There's a psychic across town who doesn't celebrate Christmas, so she's always open." Lucy explained.

"Do you seriously believe is psychics?" I asked her.

"Don't you?" She quipped.

"Hold on, you actually believe people can see our futures?" I asked again.

"Yes! This world is full of the inexplicable." She says. "If Timothée Chalamet exists, why can't psychics?"

I rolled my eyes at her analogy, though I guess she does make somewhat of a point.

"Okay, I'm in!" I say with excitement. "But she better not predict my death, because I will cry."

Half an hour later we are seated in the psychic's store, which was called 'The Mystic Moon' and had a pretty creepy vibe to it. Luckily there were no ventriloquist dolls around otherwise I would I have turned on my heels and ran away.

"Welcome." An elder lady appeared behind us, scaring the shit out of us. Well, out of me, I cannot speak for Lucy's fear factor right now.

"Hi Aiyana." Lucy smiled at her presence.

"Nice to see you again, Lucy." She says. "And who is your friend here?"

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