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Little Cooper was a different person when he wasn't with me.

I mean, normally he's so introverted and cozy, but here he is dancing wildly to a rap song with a group of strangers that he had only just met.

Initially a had a thought that college would change us, and that maybe we would drift apart. But I didn't expect it all to change before classes had even started.

Did I do something wrong?

"Grayson?" A familiar voice snaps me out of my own head.

"Hmm?" I shake myself off and turn towards the owner of that voice.

"You okay?" Wondered Lucy.

I smile. "Yeah, I'm good." I tell her.

"He seems to like college already." She says, looking over to where Dallas is laughing with his new friends.

"Yeah." I say. "He seems happy."

"He deserves to be happy." She says. "After what he's been through. His mom having cancer, you having that... uh.. accident. And with all the bullying."



"He was being bullied?" I asked.

She made a face that pretty much said 'shit, I said too much.'

"When was he being bullied?" I asked.

"Ever since he went back to school." She informed me.

I had no idea.

"Why didn't he tell me?" I wondered out loud.

"He's probably embarrassed." She said. "But at least he's okay now."


I can't believe he didn't tell me.

Not that he should tell me everything. I'm not bound to be one of those boyfriends who demands to know every single detail about my lover's life, but he should have told me.

Maybe that's why he seems distant?

Maybe that's why he doesn't want anyone to know about us...


After talking with Grayson, I head back to find Hannah, who, last time I saw her, was flirting with that guy from earlier.

Gus? Yeah, I think that was his name.

I turn a corner and find them in the common area, dancing. No, not dancing... grinding.

Oh my god!

I shake my head at them before storming towards them. When I reach them, I push them apart.

"What the hell?" Hannah groaned.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes.

"We're just dancing." Gus says.

"She has a boyfriend." I tell him.

At that, he puts his hands up in defeat before walking away.

"Lucy, what's your deal?" Hannah complained.

"What's my deal?" I scoffed. "What's your deal? So what? Jake hasn't texted you back so you throw yourself at the first guy you can find?!"

"It's honestly none of your business."

"You're right, it's not. But Jake is my friend also, and I won't let you destroy your relationship with him!"

Loving Grayson ✓ (Book 2, the Hating Series)Where stories live. Discover now