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Christmas Day
This Year (Part 1)


Things have been awkward between our friend group as of late, so I decided to host this year's Christmas dinner, in hopes that we could return our friendship to it's former glory—with an exception of Phillip, who decided to spend Christmas break in New York.

Also, I wanted to tell Dallas the truth about Mitchell and I tonight.

That we have been secretly dating for the past few months.

I had a plan. First, we would have a perfect Christmas dinner, then, when dinner is over, I will supply him with an alcoholic beverage, get him in a happy mood and then just rip off the Band-Aid.

In my head, it sounded like a great plan. But in reality, I was just kidding myself.

Dal is going to hate me...

"Merry Christmas fuckers!" Cody entered the house with a bottle of wine, which had a fancy ribbon stuck to it.

This year we had all agreed that no gifts were necessary, but apparently Cody didn't get the memo.

"Merry Christmas, Cody." I hugged him.

"I bought wine." He waved it in the air.

"Thanks." I smiled. "We're just waiting for a few more people to arrive." I say.

"Who else is coming?" Dallas wondered.

"Uh, just Hannah and Jake... and some other people." I spoke vaguely.

I hadn't told Dallas that I had invited Grayson to come. Well, if I am being completely honest, I didn't even actually invite him—that was Mitchell. He insisted that Grayson attend, also, even though I expressed to Mitchell that I didn't like him.

He wanted to know why I didn't want Grayson there, but I didn't want to tell him what had happened, so I just took the high road.

Dallas is going to kill me when he finds out.

If it wasn't obvious, I hadn't told anyone what had happened the night of that frat party. Because Hannah and Grayson didn't just make out with each other on the front lawn of some frat house literally five minutes after Dallas and Grayson had called it quits.

They slept together.


I was still feeling pretty sick from Christmas lunch with my parents and grandma Cora. Grandma Cora was actually telling me about 'the cute boy next door' who helps with her gardening, and that she though we would make a good couple. She even said that she would give him my number, to which I expressed my dismay.

But knowing her, she would probably still do it anyways.

"Hey dude!" Cody greeted me with a hug.

"Hey, Cody." I returned his embrace. "Wait, are you already drunk?" I asked.

"Shhhh, don't tell anyone." He whispers.

He smelt like a bar, not that I would know what one would smell like. Okay, that's a lie, I've been to plenty of bars. Not to drink, obviously, but for other reasons.

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