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The party started at 8.

Well, officially it started at 7, but I think it's pretty much an established rule at this point that you always arrive at a party at least an hour afterwards, or so says society.

I was nervous.

I mean, sure, I've been to plenty of parties before, but this was my first college party!

According to Gus, this particular frat house, Alpha Omega Psi, hosts a party every year during the week before school as a way of introducing new students to the life of a college student. Also, to throw a massive party and not have to suffer from a hangover during classes, though, they end up doing that anyways.

"Oh my god, our first college party!" Hannah squealed from beside me as we approached the frat house.

"I'm actually so excited." Says Cody.

"You both sound like virgins." Lucy mocked. "Try and act like you belong here."

We head up the steps to the front porch before anxiously heading inside. Already, the party was in full swing, which wasn't at all surprising.

What was surprising was finding Mitchell and Grayson mingling in the foyer upon entering, fitting in like gloves.

"Look who is here." Lucy pointed them out.

I felt bad. I had totally flaked on Grayson earlier today, and I said that we could do something later, but we never did because I was too busy hanging out at the beach with my roommate and his weird group of friends.

We approached Grayson and Mitchell and caught them by surprise, or, at least they had feigned being surprised.

"Hey." Grayson greeted me, slightly brushing his hand against mine.

He knows I don't like publicly displaying our relationship.

Basically, I'm still in the closet. Not entirely, though. My family knows, so do my friends, and so does every one from my old school after that picture was leaked. But, this is college.

Grayson and I had both agreed beforehand that we wouldn't be out in college. Well, Grayson mused at the idea of being official and not caring what anyone thought of us. Myself, on the other hand, didn't want to deal with all of the homophobic slurs and what-not.

"Hey." I gave an awkward smile.

A part of me just wanted to lay one on him, to hell with everyone else. But the other part of me remembered how I was treated during my senior year of high school.

How I was bullied by my classmates day after day.

This was my chance to not be the victim of bullying.

"This party is epic." Cody says. "Is that an ice luge?"

I followed his gaze and see a familiar face drinking from the ice luge that was fashioned to look like a giant bottle of bourbon? No... not bourbon, vodka.

Avery takes down the last bit of alcohol oozing out of the ice luge before swallowing and wiping the back of his right hand over his lips.

Loving Grayson ✓ (Book 2, the Hating Series)Where stories live. Discover now