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"You could start by, I don't know, apologising to him?" Mitchell scolded me.

"Yesterday you were telling me to give him his space!" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well now I am telling you to apologise." He turned and stared sternly at me.

"What's the point?" I wondered out loud. "He clearly doesn't like me anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's pretty obvious that Dallas doesn't like me. Hell, I don't even think he's gay, or bi, or pan. Maybe he was just curious or something?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Mitchell practically scoffed at me.

"I'm not kidding." I say, throwing my pillow at him. "He always seems so... detached?"

Honestly, I didn't really know how to explain it.

"Just because he's not so clingy and all that, doesn't mean that he isn't into you." He says, throwing my pillow back at me.

"I don't know what to tell you Mitch. I just feel like he's not that into me, and it's fine."

"So you're just not going to talk to him anymore? You're going to ignore him for the rest of your life?"

"No... I don't know." I slumped. "I've never actually been in an actual relationship before, but I have been more intimate with one-night stands than Dallas and I have been."

"If you are referring to gay stuff, please don't." Mitchell scowled with disgust.

"Anyways, what about you and Lucy?" I wondered, changing the subject.

"There is nothing to discuss." He says.


"Don't be such a secretive prick and tell me."

He seats himself on the edge of his bed with a prolonged and defeated sigh. "Fine."

"We hooked up."

"Uh, yeah, I already know that." I rolled my eyes. "I mean, are you two dating yet or what?"

He sighed again. "I don't know."

"Did you ask her?" I wondered.

"We haven't really talked since." He explained. "Do you think she's ignoring me?"

"Depends, did you do anything weird?"

"Weird? Like what?"

"I don't know? Did you do anything weird when you were 'hooking up' with her? Like, did you say the wrong thing or kiss her weirdly or something?"

"Not that I know of..."

"Well did you text something weird to her?"

"No." He said.

"What was the last thing you texted her?" I asked.

"Why does that matter?" He held his phone tightly in his hands.

"Just show me!" I demanded.

Reluctantly he hands over his phone. I quickly punch in his code and go to his texts.

Tonight was fun. We should do it again sometime.

"Are you dumb?" I asked him.

"What?" He quipped. "She's the one who left me on read."

"Uh, yeah, because she thinks you think she's just a booty call or something!" I scoffed.

"Why would she think that?"

"'Tonight was fun, we should do it again sometime?' She probably thinks you just want to hook up with her with no strings attached."

"But I want strings attached!" He stated.

"Well, tell her that?"

"How? She left me on read!"

"Apparently someone from USC is throwing a party tonight, we could go and you and Lucy can talk." I suggested.

"Are you just using this as an excuse to see Dallas?" He asked me.

"No! I'm trying to help you get the girl!" I informed him. "And also I want to see Dallas."

He chuckled. "Fine, we can go I guess."

Now I just need to think of something to say to Dallas...


I didn't have any decent clothes to wear tonight!

None, whatsoever, apart from the pair of shorts that I had already picked out. How do I own more pairs of pants than I do t-shirts?

"Why aren't you dressed?" Avery wondered.

"The only tops I have are pajama tops and sweaters. I haven't exactly had time to wash my clothes yet." I say.

"How many t-shirts did you go through this week?" He asked.

"Uh... all of them?" I responded.

I didn't expect that Los Angeles would be this freaking hot!

"Just wear one of mine." He said casually, as if borrowing a shirt from your roommate was an ordinary thing.

"You want me to wear one of your shirts?"

"Dude, relax. It's only just a t-shirt." He says.

Right. Why was I making this weird.


He walked over to his dresser and pulled open a drawer. He reaches for the first t-shirt he can find and throws it to me.

I catch it and hurry towards the bathroom to get dressed.

When I get changed, I look at myself in the mirror. The t-shirt is bigger than I expected it to be, then again, every other guy seemed to be more muscular than I am. The shirt itself had a picture of The Beatles on it beneath their band name, which was written in a large font. And I normally don't wear shorts, but given that it felt as if it were a million degrees right now.

"You like The Beatles?" I wondered when I returned from the ensuite.

"They're not bad." He replied.

I would know. I mean, I'm sure I have heard one or two of their songs over the years, but I had no recollection of them whatsoever, just that they seemed to be a pretty popular band.

"Are you ready?"

I take a minute before responding. "Yes I am."

"The party isn't that far, so we can walk there."

Very well...

When we arrived at the party, Gus greeted us on the front porch with a nice cold can of beer for Avery and I.

"Thanks." I take the can, though I didn't really have strong feelings about beer.

In my opinion, it tasted like piss. Not that I would know what piss would taste like. Let's just say that it is what I would imagine piss to taste like...

"Will we get to see you do another keg stand?" Gus asked me.

I was quick to respond with "Not likely."

"That's too bad, you were a fucking G at it."

"Thanks?" I crack open my beer and forced myself to take a sip, despite my entire being wanting to just throw the can away and vomit.

"Alrighty, let's get fucked up!" Gus encouraged, shooting the rest of his beer before scrunching the can up and throwing it into the nearest bin—basket ball style.

Tonight's going to be a long night....

Loving Grayson ✓ (Book 2, the Hating Series)Where stories live. Discover now