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I was trying my best to not let the fact that Jake called it quits get to me.

I had anticipated some divide between us when we not headed off to different universities in two completely different cities, but he assured me that we could make it work. Yet, here we are, barely even starting the college year and he had already single-handedly decided to break us up.

Maybe our friend group is cursed?

I mean, Dallas and Grayson are in an argument, so it looks like they might break up. Lucy is hooking up with strangers at parties and getting hickeys, and Cody is... well, he's Cody.

And here I am, scorned and looking for a rebound, or, at the very least, some rebound sex.

I'm sure there a like a hundred studs at this school who would kill to be with someone like me, like that Gus guy the other night, he was so clearly into me, but then Lucy had to ruin the moment.

Oh, who am I kidding? It doesn't matter how badly I wanted to move on, because the matter of the fact is I am still in love with Jake...

And I miss him.

But he broke my heart.



It is by far mankind's greatest accomplishment, and I am not just saying that because I had barely slept a wink last night, although, that does add to the many factors.

The main factor being that it is simply divine.

"How are your classes going?" My mom wondered through the phone.

"I guess they're okay?" I responded. "It's only the first week so.."

"What about your brother? And Grayson? How are they doing?"


"Well, I don't know." I responded.

"What do you mean you don't know?" She quipped.

"I mean, I haven't really talked to them for a few days." I answered. "Grayson and I had a fight."

I take another sip from my steaming to-go cup of coffee as I walk along the footpath towards the dining hall for breakfast.

"Oh? What about?" She asks.

"Stuff." I responded ever so vaguely.

"I see... Well, I'm sure you'll both bounce back." She said.

"Hmm, maybe." I was unsure.

Perhaps Cody and Lucy had the good idea to go into college single...

"Well, I will let you go. Don't forget to tell your brother to call me."

"Okay, I will." I tell her. "Wait, where is dad?"

"He's still sleeping." She answered.

"It's almost nine am?"

"So? He's sleeping in." Mom said defensively.

Okay, that's not weird at all.

"Okay Mom, I have to go."

Loving Grayson ✓ (Book 2, the Hating Series)Where stories live. Discover now