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My roommate's alarm goes off at six am, which was quite annoying, considering that the first day of classes didn't start until eight-thirty, which left two and a half hours.

When I realised the time after checking my phone, I groan and slump my head back against my pillow, my eyes closed and yearning for sleep to take me back.

What the hell is he doing up this early?

It only takes, like, thirty minutes to get ready in the morning? Breakfast doesn't start until seven-forty, so either he's tweaking out and going for his next fix, or he's just mad.


I need sleep...

At the sound of shuffled movement, I slightly open my eyes. He's putting on shoes?

"Where are you going?" I wondered out loud before I could stop myself.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

If I weren't so tired, I would have rolled my eyes, but considering I could barely keep my eyes open.

"I'm going for a run." He says.

Ugh, athleticism.

Like who chooses to get up this early just to go for a run?

"Good luck with that." I practically scoffed as he walked towards the door.

"Sure you don't want to come?" He asked.

"Pshhh, yeah right."

"Suit yourself." He leaves, which allowed me to shut my eyes and go back to sleep.

Now, what was I dreaming about?

"He called me an idiot." I complained to Hannah and Lucy as we sat down for breakfast and coffees at the nearest cafe. The time now read 7:53am on my phone.

"No way!" Hannah feigned a gasp.

"Uh, too much, Hannah." Lucy says before turning back to me. "So what does that mean? For the two of you?"

I sighed dramatically. "I honestly have no clue. I haven't talked to him since, and I don't want to, not unless he apologises for being an insufferable jackass."

"I'm surprised you both lasted as long as you did." Hannah says.

"Hannah!" Lucy smacked her in the arm.

"What? I'm just saying." She takes a bite from her avocado toast and eggs.

"She's right." I say, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Why didn't you order anything to eat? Aren't you starving?" Lucy asked me.

"It's the first day of classes and I'm nervous as hell. What's the point of eating if I'll probably just throw it back up." I say.

"Gross!" Hannah scowled. "I'm eating here."

I rolled my eyes at her.

Loving Grayson ✓ (Book 2, the Hating Series)Where stories live. Discover now