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Cato POV

My dad finally came home from his mission.

He, along with some of the best spies here in 13 went to get detailed blueprints of the Capitol and the Mansion of the Snows. What I didn't know is that he returned 2 days after we left for 2.

He could've been there, instead he watched Kaylaya get shot on live television. He knows 2 inside and out and he never came to help us.

I've been visiting my parents room everyday. Only the officials of this place have access to everyone's records. Apparently putting your own life on the line publicly isn't enough to be informed how your girlfriend is doing.

Of course my dad can know. Which first he was reluctant to tell me because I let her run out there but I slammed him in the wall one time in the wall now he answers my requests.

I open the door to see both my parents sitting in separate chairs in... heavy silence.

My dad looks over sighing heavily before taking a swig of his flask. Getting blueprints means he can now have alcohol, if I knew that I would've went there a long time ago. The only thing stopping me from having some is.. it's 6:30 in the morning.

" You hear anything else?" I wonder giving a kiss to my mom. " Morning sweetheart." She greets.

" No..Cato.. She's the same as before... still recovering."

I shift, when is she going to wake up?

She's been in a coma for 2 weeks now. I remember Lyme coming through the door again once she got our update...

She lost a shit ton or blood, they found someone to donate blood to her though I have no idea who, if I did I'd thank them. Her body just needed to recover after the surgery, those new bullets really tear you apart.

Which we're still seeing who else the rat could be after I shot that asshole. I've personally been involved in reviewing every single cadet we have, had, or will have soon.

If I find anyone else is involved... I'll take care of them in my own way.

" But, you haven't checked this morning yet." I responded, " So we don't know how she is today. She could be better."

" If there was a difference Cato, someone would've found me. Or you." He takes another swig of his flask. All I wanted to do was smack that damned thing into his skull, " Maybe you should go check." I inquire.

" I think you should too." My mother pipes in, " Drinking won't help your nerves, we're all worried sick for her."

My dad glares but doesn't say a word as my mom mimics his look, he knows not to piss her off right now so he slowly stands. " I'll go ask." He takes another swig hiccuping as he walks out.

" I see why Coin doesn't allow alcohol." My mom mutters angrily.

" I'll be sure to mention to cut him back if she wants her commander to stay sharp."

" That would be lovely." She replies trying to force her smile.

" It was tense when I came in, anything else happen?"

She shakes her head, " Besides our nerves, I don't appreciate the drinking. But I'm fine honey."

" You sure?"

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