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Octavia was many things. Many. But I never thought she'd say something like that.

Something so.. cruel. Especially after we've been through, not only in the games, dealing with mutts, but all the shit he did for HER in the Capitol.

She disgusts me.

" I say put her in." I say quickly looking at her, still..shocked... but Maybe Cal would be fast enough to kill her. I maybe would've considered saving her but not anymore...not after a comment like that. Not after everything we've all done for her.

It was something I'd expect River to say in Rage, even Snow. She said it out of anger, but technically Cal wasn't wrong..maybe she should keep her damn legs closed. 3 guys in the same squad...she did it to herself.

She quickly rises going to where we were to sleep. Everyone sits in silence for a couple minutes before going off doing other unnecessary things before going to bed. Jackson rose, " Cato, Finnick, your relieved.... Next to watch is... Kaylaya and.. Evangeline. The rest of you...to bed."

I give a quick nod, Cato sends me a worried look, " No I can-"

" We'll survive Hadley." Evangeline says quickly.

He glares at Evie then looking back at me, as if asking if he should go or not. I give a nod, both of us can hold our own. He sighs giving me a quick kiss on my cheek before going in the old building, along with the others.

It was dead quiet, I haven't directly talked to Evangeline in... I don't even know how long.. and Cal wasn't for maybe a good month? I think the last time was when he made that comment about stealing me or something.

I noticed Cal looking around, his eyes darting in every which direction. He seemed nervous, rightfully so, this place is like a hell for us.

" So..they just packed you up and shipped you here?" I ask, trying to make some conversation is the awkwardness.

Cal looks over to me, " Yep. Pretty much." He looks back into the fire.

Evangeline looks between the two of us, then back down in the fire. I still look at Cal, I can see the thousand thoughts swirling in his mind, the way he blinks a little quicker sometimes as if clearing a thought. I'd know... I do the same thing. I see the slight frown as he shakes his head ever so slightly.

" I don't think your a mutt..." I say softly still looking at him. He tenses for just a moment before looking back at me, " Your just saying that."

I shake my head, " I don't lie. I like to think I'm brutally honest."

His face twists ever so slightly, " I know I'm not the same, no one needs to sugar coat that."

" None of us are the same, I think all of us here are different then last year. Especially with all the shut we needed to do."

Merida: A New PanemHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin